Shelagh B Coutts
Tenecteplase versus standard of care for minor ischaemic stroke with proven occlusion (TEMPO-2): a randomised, open label, phase 3 superiority trial.
Coutts, Shelagh B; Ankolekar, Sandeep; Appireddy, Ramana; Arenillas, Juan F; Assis, Zarina; Bailey, Peter; Barber, Philip A; Bazan, Rodrigo; Buck, Brian H; Butcher, Ken S; Camden, Marie-Christine; Campbell, Bruce; Casaubon, Leanne K; Catanese, Luciana; Chatterjee, Kausik; Choi, Philip M C; Clarke, Brian; Dowlatshahi, Dar; Ferrari, Julia; Field, Thalia S; Ganesh, Aravind; Ghia, Darshan; Goyal, Mayank; Greisenegger, Stefan; Halse, Omid; Horn, Mackenzie; Hunter, Gary; Imoukhuede, Oje; Kelly, Peter J; Kennedy, James; Kenney, Carol; Kleinig, Timothy J; Krishnan, Kailash; Lima, Fabrico; Mandzia, Jennifer L; Marko, Martha; Martins, Sheila O; Medvedev, George; Menon, Bijoy K; Mishra, Sachin M; Molina, Carlos; Moussaddy, Aimen; Muir, Keith W; Parsons, Mark W; Penn, Andrew M W; Pille, Arthur; Pontes-Neto, Octávio M; Roffe, Christine; Serena, Joaquin; Simister, Robert; Singh, Nishita; Spratt, Neil; Strbian, Daniel; Tham, Carol H; Wiggam, M Ivan; Williams, David J; Willmot, Mark R; Wu, Teddy; Yu,...
Sandeep Ankolekar
Ramana Appireddy
Juan F Arenillas
Zarina Assis
Peter Bailey
Philip A Barber
Rodrigo Bazan
Brian H Buck
Ken S Butcher
Marie-Christine Camden
Bruce Campbell
Leanne K Casaubon
Luciana Catanese
Kausik Chatterjee
Philip M C Choi
Brian Clarke
Dar Dowlatshahi
Julia Ferrari
Thalia S Field
Aravind Ganesh
Darshan Ghia
Mayank Goyal
Stefan Greisenegger
Omid Halse
Mackenzie Horn
Gary Hunter
Oje Imoukhuede
Peter J Kelly
James Kennedy
Carol Kenney
Timothy J Kleinig
Kailash Krishnan
Fabrico Lima
Jennifer L Mandzia
Martha Marko
Sheila O Martins
George Medvedev
Bijoy K Menon
Sachin M Mishra
Carlos Molina
Aimen Moussaddy
Keith W Muir
Mark W Parsons
Andrew M W Penn
Arthur Pille
Octávio M Pontes-Neto
Christine Roffe
Joaquin Serena
Robert Simister
Nishita Singh
Neil Spratt
Daniel Strbian
Carol H Tham
M Ivan Wiggam
David J Williams
Mark R Willmot
Teddy Wu
Amy Y X Yu
George Zachariah
Atif Zafar
Charlotte Zerna
Michael D Hill
Individuals with minor ischaemic stroke and intracranial occlusion are at increased risk of poor outcomes. Intravenous thrombolysis with tenecteplase might improve outcomes in this population. We aimed to test the superiority of intravenous tenecteplase over non-thrombolytic standard of care in patients with minor ischaemic stroke and intracranial occlusion or focal perfusion abnormality. In this multicentre, prospective, parallel group, open label with blinded outcome assessment, randomised controlled trial, adult patients (aged ≥18 years) were included at 48 hospitals in Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Finland, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, and the UK. Eligible patients with minor acute ischaemic stroke (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score 0-5) and intracranial occlusion or focal perfusion abnormality were enrolled within 12 h from stroke onset. Participants were randomly assigned (1:1), using a minimal sufficient balance algorithm to intravenous tenecteplase (0·25 mg/kg) or non-thrombolytic standard of care (control). Primary outcome was a return to baseline functioning on pre-morbid modified Rankin Scale score in the intention-to-treat (ITT) population (all patients randomly assigned to a treatment group and who did not withdraw consent to participate) assessed at 90 days. Safety outcomes were reported in the ITT population and included symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage and death. This trial is registered with, NCT02398656, and is closed to accrual. The trial was stopped early for futility. Between April 27, 2015, and Jan 19, 2024, 886 patients were enrolled; 369 (42%) were female and 517 (58%) were male. 454 (51%) were assigned to control and 432 (49%) to intravenous tenecteplase. The primary outcome occurred in 338 (75%) of 452 patients in the control group and 309 (72%) of 432 in the tenecteplase group (risk ratio [RR] 0·96, 95% CI 0·88-1·04, p=0·29). More patients died in the tenecteplase group (20 deaths [5%]) than in the control group (five deaths [1%]; adjusted hazard ratio 3·8; 95% CI 1·4-10·2, p=0·0085). There were eight (2%) symptomatic intracranial haemorrhages in the tenecteplase group versus two (<1%) in the control group (RR 4·2; 95% CI 0·9-19·7, p=0·059). There was no benefit and possible harm from treatment with intravenous tenecteplase. Patients with minor stroke and intracranial occlusion should not be routinely treated with intravenous thrombolysis. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and the British Heart Foundation. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.]
Coutts, S. B., Ankolekar, S., Appireddy, R., Arenillas, J. F., Assis, Z., Bailey, P., …Hill, M. D. (in press). Tenecteplase versus standard of care for minor ischaemic stroke with proven occlusion (TEMPO-2): a randomised, open label, phase 3 superiority trial. Lancet,
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Apr 30, 2024 |
Online Publication Date | May 17, 2024 |
Deposit Date | Aug 9, 2024 |
Journal | Lancet (London, England) |
Print ISSN | 0140-6736 |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
DOI | |
Public URL | |
Publisher URL | |
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