Hoang Nhat Pham
Abstract 4138301: Burden of Hyperlipidemia, Cardiovascular Mortality, and COVID-19: A Retrospective-Cohort Analysis of US Data
Pham, Hoang Nhat; Sainbayar, Enkhtsogt; Ramzi, Ibrahim; Olson, April; Alabagi, Abdulla; Soin, Sabrina; Aiti, Danny; Tran, Phillip; Lee, Justin; Khanji, Mohammed; Chahal, Anwar; Mamas, Mamas
Enkhtsogt Sainbayar
Ibrahim Ramzi
April Olson
Abdulla Alabagi
Sabrina Soin
Danny Aiti
Phillip Tran
Justin Lee
Mohammed Khanji
Anwar Chahal
Mamas Mamas m.mamas@keele.ac.uk
Background: Hyperlipidemia (HLD) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Little is known regarding temporal variation in CVD mortality related to HLD. The COVID-19 pandemic added complexity to factors influencing CVD mortality. Question: What are the yearly trends and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on HLD-related CVD mortality in the United States? Methods: Mortality and demographic data for adults were obtained from CDC repository from 1999-2020, using ICD-10 codes HLD (E78.0-E78.5) and CVD (I00-I99). Age adjusted mortality rates (AAMR) per 1,000,000 population was standardized to the 2000 US population. Log-linear regression models evaluated mortality shifts. Average annual percentage change (AAPC) from 1999-2019 was used to calculate projected AAMR in 2020, subsequently compared to actual 2020 death rates to estimate pandemic-attributed excess deaths. Results: A total of 483,155 HLD-related CVD deaths were recorded between 1999-2020. Despite the CVD mortality decline in general population, HLD-related CVD AAMR rose from 36.33 [95% CI, 35.52-37.13] in 1999 to 99.77 [98.67-100.87] in 2019. Ischemic heart diseases (AAMR 49.39) were the most common causes of death while hypertension had the highest annual mortality increase (AAPC +10.23%) in populations with HLD. Higher HLD-related CVD mortality was observed in males (AAMR 104.87) than females (AAMR 61.93), in those ≥75 years (AAMR 646.45) than 35-75 years (AAMR 54.11), in non-Hispanic (NH) (AAMR 82.49) than Hispanic (AAMR 58.98) populations, and in rural (AAMR 89.98) than urban (AAMR 78.94) regions. NH Black populations (AAMR 84.35) and Western US regions (AAMR 96.88) had the highest HLD-related CVD. The first year of COVID-19 pandemic resulted in 10.55% excess HLD-related CVD death, with the most prominent increase in the 35-75 years age group (14.23%), Hispanic (17.96%), Black (14.82%), and urban (11.68%) populations. Conclusions: Our study revealed an increase in HLD-related CVD mortality which was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Higher CVD mortality disproportionately affected males, Black, elderly (≥75 years), and rural populations with HLD. Further research is needed to validate our findings and identify contributing factors.
Pham, H. N., Sainbayar, E., Ramzi, I., Olson, A., Alabagi, A., Soin, S., …Mamas, M. (2024). Abstract 4138301: Burden of Hyperlipidemia, Cardiovascular Mortality, and COVID-19: A Retrospective-Cohort Analysis of US Data. Circulation, 150(Suppl_1), https://doi.org/10.1161/circ.150.suppl_1.4138301
Journal Article Type | Meeting Abstract |
Acceptance Date | Nov 12, 2024 |
Publication Date | Nov 12, 2024 |
Deposit Date | Dec 2, 2024 |
Journal | Circulation |
Print ISSN | 0009-7322 |
Publisher | American Heart Association |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 150 |
Issue | Suppl_1 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1161/circ.150.suppl_1.4138301 |
Public URL | https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/984820 |
Publisher URL | https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/circ.150.suppl_1.4138301 |
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