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All Outputs (13)

Training healthcare professionals to be ready for practice in an era of social distancing: A realist evaluation (2023)
Journal Article
Lefroy, J., Bialan, J., Moult, A., Hay, F., Stapleton, C., Thompson, J., …Cope, N. (2023). Training healthcare professionals to be ready for practice in an era of social distancing: A realist evaluation. Advances in Health Sciences Education,

Programme changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted variably on preparation for practice of healthcare professional students. Explanations for such variability need exploration. The aim of our study was to understand what clinica... Read More about Training healthcare professionals to be ready for practice in an era of social distancing: A realist evaluation.

Use of the arts in pharmacy education to develop self-perceived empathy (2023)
Journal Article
Allinson, M., Archer, N., Montero-Diaz, F., Jacklin, S., & Thompson, J. (in press). Use of the arts in pharmacy education to develop self-perceived empathy. Pharmacy Education, 23(1), 732-740.

Background: Demonstrating empathy is a key competency expected of pharmacy undergraduate students. Various art media have been shown to help develop empathy in students. A new optional module designed to incorporate a range of art forms to support em... Read More about Use of the arts in pharmacy education to develop self-perceived empathy.

A realist review of medication optimisation of community dwelling service users with serious mental illness (2023)
Journal Article
Howe, J., MacPhee, M., Duddy, C., Habib, H., Wong, G., Jacklin, S., …Maidment, I. (2023). A realist review of medication optimisation of community dwelling service users with serious mental illness. BMJ Quality and Safety,

Background: Severe mental illness (SMI) incorporates schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, non-organic psychosis, personality disorder or any other severe and enduring mental health illness. Medication, particularly antipsychotics and mood stabilisers are... Read More about A realist review of medication optimisation of community dwelling service users with serious mental illness.

Patient satisfaction with community pharmacy COVID-19 vaccination in Northern Ireland (2023)
Journal Article
Garland, C., & Jacklin, S. (2023). Patient satisfaction with community pharmacy COVID-19 vaccination in Northern Ireland. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 31(Supplement_2), ii20-ii21.

Introduction Northern Ireland’s community pharmacies have contributed substantially to the COVID-19 response, with over 436,000 COVID-19 vaccines administered since March 2021. Community pharmacy has an established role across the UK in delivering in... Read More about Patient satisfaction with community pharmacy COVID-19 vaccination in Northern Ireland.

An orange will do: Suspending learner disbelief in simulations (2022)
Journal Article
Richardson, C. L., Thompson, J., & Jacklin, S. (2022). An orange will do: Suspending learner disbelief in simulations. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 14(11), 1337-1339.

Increasingly, educators are implementing simulation to supplement teaching. Where simulation is not already integral, difficulties have arisen with the utilization of simulation due to limited resources, training requirements, and educator uncertaint... Read More about An orange will do: Suspending learner disbelief in simulations.

The creation of an online learning resource to support the implementation of the nice shared decision making guideline (2022)
Journal Article
Jacklin, Thompson, & Maddock. (2022). The creation of an online learning resource to support the implementation of the nice shared decision making guideline. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 7 - 7.

Background: Shared decision making (SDM) is a joint process in which a healthcare professional works together with a person to reach a decision about care1; this can help ensure care is personalised to each individual. Research shows that SDM is not... Read More about The creation of an online learning resource to support the implementation of the nice shared decision making guideline.

Medication optimisation in severe mental illness (MEDIATE): protocol for a realist review (2022)
Journal Article
Jacklin, Maidment, I., Wong, G., Duddy, C., Upthegrove, R., Oduola, S., …MacPhee, M. (2022). Medication optimisation in severe mental illness (MEDIATE): protocol for a realist review. BMJ Open, 12(1), e058524 - ?.

INTRODUCTION: Severe mental illness (SMI) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. People living with SMI often receive complex medication regimens. Optimising these regimens can be challenging. Non-adherence is common and addressing i... Read More about Medication optimisation in severe mental illness (MEDIATE): protocol for a realist review.

Bringing ethical dilemmas to life; the use of drama teaching in healthcare education (2021)
Journal Article
Jacklin, S., & Allinson, M. (2021). Bringing ethical dilemmas to life; the use of drama teaching in healthcare education. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

Context and objectives
Empathy is an important element that underpins a health professional’s ability to handle ethical dilemmas involving patients, with a focus on providing person-centred care. The aim of this project was to evaluate the use of an... Read More about Bringing ethical dilemmas to life; the use of drama teaching in healthcare education.

Shared Decision-Making With a Virtual Patient in Medical Education: Mixed Methods Evaluation Study. (2021)
Journal Article
Jacklin, S. (2021). Shared Decision-Making With a Virtual Patient in Medical Education: Mixed Methods Evaluation Study. JMIR Medical Education, e22745 - ?.

BACKGROUND: Shared decision-making (SDM) is a process in which clinicians and patients work together to select tests, treatments, management, or support packages based on clinical evidence and the patient's informed preferences. Similar to any skill,... Read More about Shared Decision-Making With a Virtual Patient in Medical Education: Mixed Methods Evaluation Study..

Virtual patient educational intervention for the development of shared decision-making skills: a pilot study. (2019)
Journal Article
Jacklin, S., Chapman, S., & Maskrey, N. (2019). Virtual patient educational intervention for the development of shared decision-making skills: a pilot study. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, 215 - 217

Background: Shared decision-making (SDM) involves a healthcare professional and a patient forming a congruent partnership, within which information is shared and decisions are made which align with the patient's values. SDM does not occur to the exte... Read More about Virtual patient educational intervention for the development of shared decision-making skills: a pilot study..

Improving Shared Decision Making Between Patients and Clinicians: Design and Development of a Virtual Patient Simulation Tool. (2018)
Journal Article
Jacklin, S., Maskrey, N., & Chapman, S. (2018). Improving Shared Decision Making Between Patients and Clinicians: Design and Development of a Virtual Patient Simulation Tool. JMIR Medical Education, e10088 - ?.

BACKGROUND: Shared decision making (SDM) involves the formation of a collaborative partnership between the patient and clinician combining both of their expertise in order to benefit decision making. In order for clinicians to be able to carry out th... Read More about Improving Shared Decision Making Between Patients and Clinicians: Design and Development of a Virtual Patient Simulation Tool..