A person-centred primary care pharmacist-led osteoporosis review for optimising medicines (PHORM): a protocol for the development and co-design of a model consultation intervention
Journal Article
Sturrock, A., Grabrovaz, M., Bullock, L., Clark, E., Finch, T., Haining, S., …Paskins, Z. (2024). A person-centred primary care pharmacist-led osteoporosis review for optimising medicines (PHORM): a protocol for the development and co-design of a model consultation intervention. BMJ Open, 14(11), https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2024-085323
Introduction: Adherence to medicines in osteoporosis is poor, with estimated 1 year persistence rates between 16% and 60%. Poor adherence is complex, relating to combinations of fear of side effects, beliefs about medication being unnecessary, doubts... Read More about A person-centred primary care pharmacist-led osteoporosis review for optimising medicines (PHORM): a protocol for the development and co-design of a model consultation intervention.