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All Outputs (3)

Exploring Serious Incident Investigation Practices in the NHS: towards a patient safety culture in Community Healthcare NHS Trusts (2020)
Hulme, A. (2020). Exploring Serious Incident Investigation Practices in the NHS: towards a patient safety culture in Community Healthcare NHS Trusts. (Thesis). Keele University

Patient safety is a major challenge in healthcare systems worldwide. In an attempt to make healthcare safer, practices have been adopted from other safety critical industries, accepting the underlying theory of high reliability organisations (HROs).... Read More about Exploring Serious Incident Investigation Practices in the NHS: towards a patient safety culture in Community Healthcare NHS Trusts.

The impact of the governance of health insurance companies on patient satisfaction with hospitals in Saudi Arabia (2020)
Alzahrani, A. H. (2020). The impact of the governance of health insurance companies on patient satisfaction with hospitals in Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). Keele University

The aim of this research study is to investigate the impact of corporate-governance-related practices on the effectiveness of health insurance companies, and in turn, their impact upon the performance of hospitals as measured by patients’ satisfactio... Read More about The impact of the governance of health insurance companies on patient satisfaction with hospitals in Saudi Arabia.

Have patient and public involvement forums lived up to expectations? A qualitative study of Primary Care PPI forum groups (2009)
Gilbert, M. (2009). Have patient and public involvement forums lived up to expectations? A qualitative study of Primary Care PPI forum groups. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis investigates the establishment and operation of NHS Primary Care patient and public involvement forums and explores whether they were able to meet expectations, and fulfil their intended regulatory roles. PPI Forums, established in 2003,... Read More about Have patient and public involvement forums lived up to expectations? A qualitative study of Primary Care PPI forum groups.