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Have patient and public involvement forums lived up to expectations? A qualitative study of Primary Care PPI forum groups

Gilbert, Marie

Have patient and public involvement forums lived up to expectations? A qualitative study of Primary Care PPI forum groups Thumbnail


Marie Gilbert


Stephen Cropper

Sarah Derrett


This thesis investigates the establishment and operation of NHS Primary Care patient and public involvement forums and explores whether they were able to meet expectations, and fulfil their intended regulatory roles. PPI Forums, established in 2003, and now disbanded, were intended to strengthen the relationship between patient and public involvement and service improvement. This expectation of functional value was matched by a concern to also strengthen democratic process in local health policy making. To cover both lines of interest, the ‘performance’ of the Forums is examined in terms of their constitution, composition and mode of operation. The work is topical given the governments continuing emphasis and commitment to a patient-centred National Health Service.

The character of eight PPI forum groups in Kent is described using both survey and comparative case study approach. The survey was used to elicit basic demographic information about Forum members and to achieve access for subsequent inquiry. Lay forum members, related support organisation personnel, CPPIH managers and Primary Care professionals were all interviewed to assess their experiences, beliefs and attitudes. Further data on the operation of the Forums was also gathered through observation and documentary sources.

The study concludes that the PPI forums only had limited success. This was due to many factors, including budget constraints, confusing structures and poor recruitment processes. There were also limitations in their roles as ‘representatives’ of their local communities and in working relationships with NHS professionals and their organisations.

The thesis ends by drawing lessons for groups, networks and policy makers to ensure that the experiences of lay volunteers who participate in future regulatory patient and public involvement initiatives are fully considered, understood, and embedded within local NHS policy systems.


Gilbert, M. (2009). Have patient and public involvement forums lived up to expectations? A qualitative study of Primary Care PPI forum groups. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Jul 19, 2024
Publicly Available Date Jul 19, 2024
Keywords Institute for Public Policy and Management
Public URL
Award Date 2009


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