Dr Amro Al-Said Ahmad
Biography | Dr Al-Said Ahmad is a lecturer in Computer Science at the School of Computer Science and Mathematics at Keele University, UK. Amro is a Member of the ACM and the IEEE, a member of the IEEE Computer Society, and the IEEE Technical Community on Cloud Computing and Services Computing. He completed his PhD in Cloud Computing at the School of Computer Science and Mathematics of Keele University, UK. His thesis title is “Scalability performance measurement and testing of cloud-based software services”. He studied BSc in Software Engineering at Philadelphia University in 2009 and an MSc in Computer Science at Amman Arab University in 2014. Al-Said Ahmad’s main research interest is in the field of Cloud Computing, with a focus on scalability issues in cloud-based software services, focusing on the technical aspect of the scalability delivery of such services. Other research interests address the research areas of Software Engineering, Software Testing, Software Metrics, and Agile Methodology. Amro has published articles on this topic in leading journals and selective conferences. Amro has reviewed papers for various computer science and digital education journals, including The Journal of Systems & Software (Elsevier), Computing (Springer), Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (Wiley), Frontiers in Education (section Digital Education), and Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology. Furthermore, he contributed to the organisation of international conferences, such as The BCS HCI 2022, 2023; ACM ICCBDC 2022, 2023; IEEE SSD 2021; IEEE PIMRC (Track 4) 2023; AICCC 2023; and ICITA 2021. |