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Ashley Hawarden's Outputs (33)

A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol (2024)
Journal Article
Bullock, L., Nicholls, E., Cherrington, A., Butler-Walley, S., Clark, E. M., Fleming, J., …Paskins, Z. (2024). A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol. NIHR Open Research,

Good quality shared decision-making (SDM) conversations involve people with, or at risk of osteoporosis and clinicians collaborating to decide, where appropriate, which evidence-based medicines best fit the person’s life, beliefs, and val... Read More about A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol.

Ethnicity differences in those attending and not attending a single centre UK fracture liaison service (2024)
Journal Article
Mitchell, S., Hawarden, A., Bullock, L., & Paskins, Z. (2024). Ethnicity differences in those attending and not attending a single centre UK fracture liaison service. Archives of Osteoporosis, 19(1), Article 68.

Fracture liaison services (FLS) are concerned with the systematic identification of people that have sustained low trauma fractures to provide: an assessment of bone health; assessment of fracture (including bone density scan) and falls r... Read More about Ethnicity differences in those attending and not attending a single centre UK fracture liaison service.

Exploring practice and perspectives on shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines in Fracture Liaison Services: the iFraP development qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Bullock, L., Manning, F., Hawarden, A., Fleming, J., Leyland, S., Clark, E. M., …Paskins, Z. (in press). Exploring practice and perspectives on shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines in Fracture Liaison Services: the iFraP development qualitative study. Archives of Osteoporosis, 19(1), Article 50.

Interviews and focus groups with patients, FLS clinicians, and GPs identified challenges relating to clinical and shared decision-making about bone health and osteoporosis medicines. Findings will inform the development of the multicomponent... Read More about Exploring practice and perspectives on shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines in Fracture Liaison Services: the iFraP development qualitative study.

P080 Supporting shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines: Combining multiple methods to develop the prototype iFraP intervention (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Bullock, L., Fleming, J., Clark, E. M., Leyland, S., Thomas, S., Gidlow, C., …Paskins, Z. (2024, April). P080 Supporting shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines: Combining multiple methods to develop the prototype iFraP intervention. Poster presented at British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference 2024

Background/Aims Shared decision-making (SDM) is a joint process in which a person and healthcare professional work together to reach decisions about care. The iFraP (Improving uptake of Fracture Prevention drug treatments) intervention comprises comp... Read More about P080 Supporting shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines: Combining multiple methods to develop the prototype iFraP intervention.

Current osteoporosis care in UK primary care settings: a national esurvey (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Hawarden, A., Cox, N., Bullock, L., Protheroe, J., Jinks, C., & Paskins, Z. (2024, April). Current osteoporosis care in UK primary care settings: a national esurvey. Poster presented at World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2024): Plenary Lectures Abstracts, London, UK

Objective: To identify current practice and perceptions of osteoporosis care in UK primary care settings.

A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol. (2024)
Journal Article
Bullock, L., Nicholls, E., Cherrington, A., Butler-Walley, S., Clark, E. M., Fleming, J., …Paskins, Z. (2024). A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol. NIHR Open Research, 4(14), 14.

BackgroundGood quality shared decision-making (SDM) conversations involve people with, or at risk of osteoporosis and clinicians collaborating to decide, where appropriate, which evidence-based medicines best fit the person's life, beliefs, and value... Read More about A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol..

Experiences of living with hip osteoarthritis and of receiving advice, education and ultrasound-guided intra-articular hip injection in the hip injection trial. A qualitative study (2023)
Journal Article
Holden, M. A., Hawarden, A., Paskins, Z., Roddy, E., Mallen, C. D., Liddle, J., …trial team, H. (2023). Experiences of living with hip osteoarthritis and of receiving advice, education and ultrasound-guided intra-articular hip injection in the hip injection trial. A qualitative study. Musculoskeletal Care,

Objectives: The Hip Injection Trial (HIT) compared the effectiveness of adding a single ultrasound-guided intra-articular injection of either corticosteroid and local anaesthetic, or local anaesthetic alone, to advice and education among people with... Read More about Experiences of living with hip osteoarthritis and of receiving advice, education and ultrasound-guided intra-articular hip injection in the hip injection trial. A qualitative study.

The relationship between pain and depression and anxiety in patients with inflammatory arthritis: a systematic review protocol (2023)
Journal Article
Cox, N., Hawarden, A., Bajpai, R., Farooq, S., Twohig, H., Muller, S., & Scott, I. C. (2024). The relationship between pain and depression and anxiety in patients with inflammatory arthritis: a systematic review protocol. Rheumatology International, 44, 435–440.

Pain is a major challenge for patients with inflammatory arthritis (IA). Depression and anxiety are common comorbidities in IA, associating with worse outcomes. How they relate to pain is uncertain, with existing systematic reviews (a) mainly conside... Read More about The relationship between pain and depression and anxiety in patients with inflammatory arthritis: a systematic review protocol.

Incorporating FRAX into a nurse-delivered integrated care review: a multi-method qualitative study. (2023)
Journal Article
Hawarden, A., Bullock, L., Chew-Graham, C., Herron, D., Hider, S., Jinks, C., …Paskins, Z. (2023). Incorporating FRAX into a nurse-delivered integrated care review: a multi-method qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice Open (BJGP Open), 7(2),

Background: People with inflammatory rheumatological conditions (IRCs) are at increased risk of common comorbidities including osteoporosis.

Aim: To explore the barriers to and facilitators of implementing nurse-delivered fracture risk assessments... Read More about Incorporating FRAX into a nurse-delivered integrated care review: a multi-method qualitative study..

Effect of a 2-week interruption in methotrexate treatment versus continued treatment on COVID-19 booster vaccine immunity in adults with inflammatory conditions (VROOM study): a randomised, open label, superiority trial. (2022)
Journal Article
Abhishek Abhishek, P., Boyton, P. R. J., Peckham, N., Áine McKnight, P., Coates, L. C., Bluett, J., …Jones, C. (2022). Effect of a 2-week interruption in methotrexate treatment versus continued treatment on COVID-19 booster vaccine immunity in adults with inflammatory conditions (VROOM study): a randomised, open label, superiority trial. Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 840 - 850.

BACKGROUND: Immunosuppressive treatments inhibit vaccine-induced immunity against SARS-CoV-2. We evaluated whether a 2-week interruption of methotrexate treatment immediately after the COVID-19 vaccine booster improved antibody responses against the... Read More about Effect of a 2-week interruption in methotrexate treatment versus continued treatment on COVID-19 booster vaccine immunity in adults with inflammatory conditions (VROOM study): a randomised, open label, superiority trial..

P117 Exploring experiences of Fracture Liaison Services and perceptions of a new decision tool to support patient and clinician decisions: a focus group study (2021)
Journal Article
Bullock, L., Jinks, C., Hawarden, A., Crawford-Manning, F., Leyland, S., Fleming, J., …Management Group, I. S. (2021). P117 Exploring experiences of Fracture Liaison Services and perceptions of a new decision tool to support patient and clinician decisions: a focus group study. Rheumatology, 60(Supplement_1),

Evaluation of quality and readability of online patient information on osteoporosis and osteoporosis drug treatment and recommendations for improvement (2021)
Journal Article
Crawford Manning, F., Greenall, C., Hawarden, A., Bullock, L., Leyland, S., Jinks, C., …Paskins, Z. (2021). Evaluation of quality and readability of online patient information on osteoporosis and osteoporosis drug treatment and recommendations for improvement. Osteoporosis International, 32, pages1567–1584.

Purpose: Identify commonly accessed patient information resources about osteoporosis and osteoporosis drug treatment, appraise the quality and make recommendations for improvement. Methods: Patient information resources were purposively sampled and t... Read More about Evaluation of quality and readability of online patient information on osteoporosis and osteoporosis drug treatment and recommendations for improvement.

Presentation / Conference
Greenall, C., Manning, F., Bullock, L., Hawarden, A., Leyland, S., Protheroe, J., …Jinks, C. (2020, August). RECOMMENDATIONS TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF PATIENT INFORMATION MATERIALS IN OSTEOPOROSIS: RESULTS FROM A QUALITATIVE STUDY AND STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION. Poster presented at 34th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management, Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic

Objective: To identify inaccuracies, and contradictory statements in webbased patient information relating to osteoporosis and to produce recommendations for improvements.
Methods: Nine commonly accessed patient information websites

Public priorities for osteoporosis and fracture research: results from a focus group study (2020)
Journal Article
Hawarden, A., Jinks, C., Mahmood, W., Bullock, L., Blackburn, S., Gwilym, S., & Paskins, Z. (2020). Public priorities for osteoporosis and fracture research: results from a focus group study. Archives of Osteoporosis, 15, Article 89.

Four focus groups were conducted with members of the public to identify important areas for future osteoporosis research. Participants identified priorities to increase public awareness of osteoporosis, reduce delays in diagnosis, improve co... Read More about Public priorities for osteoporosis and fracture research: results from a focus group study.

Quality and effectiveness of osteoporosis treatment decision aids: a systematic review and environmental scan (2020)
Journal Article
Paskins, Z., Torres Roldan, V., Hawarden, A., Bullock, L., Meritxell Urtecho, S., Torres, G., …Brito, J. (2020). Quality and effectiveness of osteoporosis treatment decision aids: a systematic review and environmental scan. Osteoporosis International, 31, 1837–1851.

Decision aids (DAs) are evidence-based tools that support shared decision-making (SDM) implementation in practice; this study aimed to identify existing osteoporosis DAs and assess their quality and efficacy; and to gain feedback from a patient advis... Read More about Quality and effectiveness of osteoporosis treatment decision aids: a systematic review and environmental scan.

Presentation / Conference
Hawarden, A. W., Paskins, Z., Ediriweera Desilva, E., Herron, D., Machin, A., Jinks, C., …Chew-Graham, C. (2020, April). EXPERIENCES OF DELIVERING A NURSE-LED FRACTURE RISK ASSESSMENT FOR PATIENTS WITH INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATOLOGICAL CONDITIONS IN PRIMARY CARE. Poster presented at British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference 2020, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

The INCLUDE (INtegrating and improving Care for patients with infLammatory rheUmatological DisordErs in the community) pilot trial aimed to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of a nurse-delivered review in primary care for people... Read More about EXPERIENCES OF DELIVERING A NURSE-LED FRACTURE RISK ASSESSMENT FOR PATIENTS WITH INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATOLOGICAL CONDITIONS IN PRIMARY CARE.

Qualitative findings from the Hip Injection Trial (HIT): experiences of living with hip osteoarthritis and receiving trial treatments (2020)
Journal Article
Paskins, Holden, Mallen, Jinks, Hawarden, & Roddy. (2020). Qualitative findings from the Hip Injection Trial (HIT): experiences of living with hip osteoarthritis and receiving trial treatments. Rheumatology,

The HIT trial compared ultrasound-guided intra-articular hip injection (USGI) of triamcinolone acetonide and 1% lidocaine hydrochloride combined with best current treatment (BCT) with (i) BCT alone and (ii) an USGI of 1% lidocaine only co... Read More about Qualitative findings from the Hip Injection Trial (HIT): experiences of living with hip osteoarthritis and receiving trial treatments.

The hip injection trial (HIT) nested qualitative study: experiences of living with hip Osteoarthritis and receiving trial treatments. (2020)
Journal Article
Holden, M., Hawarden, A., Paskins, Z., Roddy, E., Mallen, C., Jinks, C., & Trial Team, T. H. (2020). The hip injection trial (HIT) nested qualitative study: experiences of living with hip Osteoarthritis and receiving trial treatments. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 28, S499.

Purpose: Evidence about the effectiveness of intra-articular corticosteroid injection for hip osteoarthritis (OA) is limited. The HIT trial compared ultrasound-guided intra-articular hip injection (USGI) of triamcinolone acetonide and 1% lidocaine hy... Read More about The hip injection trial (HIT) nested qualitative study: experiences of living with hip Osteoarthritis and receiving trial treatments..