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Christine Roffe's Outputs (6)

Pre-hospital transdermal glyceryl trinitrate in patients with stroke mimics: data from the RIGHT-2 randomised-controlled ambulance trial (2022)
Journal Article
Roffe. (2022). Pre-hospital transdermal glyceryl trinitrate in patients with stroke mimics: data from the RIGHT-2 randomised-controlled ambulance trial. BMC Emergency Medicine,

Background: Prehospital stroke trials will inevitably recruit patients with non-stroke conditions, so called stroke mimics. We undertook a pre-specified analysis to determine outcomes in patients with mimics in the second Rapid Intervention with Glyc... Read More about Pre-hospital transdermal glyceryl trinitrate in patients with stroke mimics: data from the RIGHT-2 randomised-controlled ambulance trial.

Systematic voiding programme in adults with urinary incontinence following acute stroke: the ICONS-II RCT (2022)
Journal Article
Watkins, C., Tishkovskaya, S., Brown, C., Sutton, C., Garcia, Y. S., Forshaw, D., …Panton, C. (2022). Systematic voiding programme in adults with urinary incontinence following acute stroke: the ICONS-II RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 26(31), 1-88.

Background Urinary incontinence affects around half of stroke survivors in the acute phase, and it often presents as a new problem after stroke or, if pre-existing, worsens significantly, adding to the disability and helplessness caused by neurologic... Read More about Systematic voiding programme in adults with urinary incontinence following acute stroke: the ICONS-II RCT.

Pre-hospital Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate in Patients With Stroke Mimics: Data From the Right-2 Randomised-controlled Ambulance Trial (2022)
Journal Article
Tunnage, B., Woodhouse, L. J., Dixon, M., Anderson, C., Ankolekar, S., Appleton, J., …Investigators, R. (in press). Pre-hospital Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate in Patients With Stroke Mimics: Data From the Right-2 Randomised-controlled Ambulance Trial. BMC Emergency Medicine, 22, Article 2.

Background: Prehospital stroke trials will inevitably recruit patients with non-stroke conditions, so called stroke mimics. We undertook a pre-specified analysis to determine outcomes in patients with mimics in the second Rapid Intervention with Glyc... Read More about Pre-hospital Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate in Patients With Stroke Mimics: Data From the Right-2 Randomised-controlled Ambulance Trial.