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Caroline Stewart's Outputs (22)

Evaluating the use of electromyography in UK and European gait laboratories for the assessment of cerebral palsy and other neurological and musculoskeletal conditions (2024)
Journal Article
Shepherd, H., Reeves, J., & Stewart, C. (in press). Evaluating the use of electromyography in UK and European gait laboratories for the assessment of cerebral palsy and other neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. Gait & Posture, 117, 143-152.

Electromyography (EMG) can estimate the magnitude and timing of muscle activation during walking in those with gait disorders. Despite the potential of EMG use in assessment and clinical decision-making... Read More about Evaluating the use of electromyography in UK and European gait laboratories for the assessment of cerebral palsy and other neurological and musculoskeletal conditions.

Hospital corridors as lived spaces: The reconfiguration of social boundaries during the early stages of the Covid pandemic (2024)
Journal Article
Faux-Nightingale, A., Kelemen, M., Lilley, S., Robinson, K., & Stewart, C. (2024). Hospital corridors as lived spaces: The reconfiguration of social boundaries during the early stages of the Covid pandemic. Sociology of Health & Illness,

This article explores the meanings and uses of a hospital corridor through 98 diary entries produced by the staff of an English specialist hospital during the early stages of the COVID‐19 pandemic. Drawing on Lefebvre's (1991, The production of space... Read More about Hospital corridors as lived spaces: The reconfiguration of social boundaries during the early stages of the Covid pandemic.

Clinical gait analysis 1973-2023: Evaluating progress to guide the future. (2023)
Journal Article
Stebbins, J., Harrington, M., & Stewart, C. (2023). Clinical gait analysis 1973-2023: Evaluating progress to guide the future. Journal of Biomechanics, 160, Article 111827.

Clinical gait analysis has been used to inform treatment for over 50 years. Over that period there have been significant advances in motion capture technology and software development, driven in part by innovations in biomechanics. The aim of this pa... Read More about Clinical gait analysis 1973-2023: Evaluating progress to guide the future..

Subtalar joint moments of children with cerebral palsy (2023)
Journal Article
Meilak, E., Modenese, L., Andrew, R., Julie, S., Edward, C., & Stewart, C. (in press). Subtalar joint moments of children with cerebral palsy. Gait & Posture, 106, S121.

Children with cerebral palsy (CP) often develop foot deformities [1], such as equinovarus, planovalgus non-midfoot break (PNMFB) and midfoot break (MFB) [2]. The aetiology of the development and progr... Read More about Subtalar joint moments of children with cerebral palsy.

Subtalar joint axis alignments in pathological feet of children with cerebral palsy (2023)
Journal Article
Meilak, E., Wellenberg, R., Schallig, W., Roberts, A., Witbreuk, M., Buizer, A., …Stewart, C. (2023). Subtalar joint axis alignments in pathological feet of children with cerebral palsy. Gait & Posture, 106(S1), S122.

Children suffering cerebral palsy (CP) often develop foot deformities [1]. These manifest as pathological postures including equinovarus, planovalgus non-midfoot break (PNMFB) and midfoot break (MFB)... Read More about Subtalar joint axis alignments in pathological feet of children with cerebral palsy.

Evaluating the use of electromyography in UK and european gait laboratories for the assessment of cerebral palsy and neurological conditions (2023)
Journal Article
Shepherd, H., Reeves, J., & Stewart, C. (in press). Evaluating the use of electromyography in UK and european gait laboratories for the assessment of cerebral palsy and neurological conditions. Gait & Posture, 106(S1), S170.

Electromyography (EMG) can estimate the magnitude and timing of muscle activation during walking in those with neurological gait disorders. Despite the potential of EMG use in assessment and clinical... Read More about Evaluating the use of electromyography in UK and european gait laboratories for the assessment of cerebral palsy and neurological conditions.

Sensemaking in the early stages of the COVID‐19 pandemic: A narrative exploration of polarised morality in an NHS Trust (2022)
Journal Article
Faux‐Nightingale, A., Kelemen, M., Lilley, S., & Stewart, C. (2023). Sensemaking in the early stages of the COVID‐19 pandemic: A narrative exploration of polarised morality in an NHS Trust. Sociology of Health and Illness, 45(2), 386-404.

This article presents an analysis of personal diaries kept by health-care staff within a specialist NHS Trust in England during the initial 3 months of the COVID-19 pandemic. It adopts a moral sensemaking perspective to explore how NHS employees mobi... Read More about Sensemaking in the early stages of the COVID‐19 pandemic: A narrative exploration of polarised morality in an NHS Trust.

An international survey mapping practice and barriers for upper-limb assessments in movement analysis. (2022)
Journal Article
Philp, F., Freeman, R., & Stewart, C. (2022). An international survey mapping practice and barriers for upper-limb assessments in movement analysis. Gait and Posture, 96, 93 - 101.

BACKGROUND: Upper-limb movement analysis could improve our understanding of function, pathological mechanisms and inform rehabilitation and surgical decision-making. Despite the potential benefits, the use of clinical upper-limb motion analysis is no... Read More about An international survey mapping practice and barriers for upper-limb assessments in movement analysis..

Ankle-foot orthosis adherence in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: A scoping review (2022)
Journal Article
Faux-Nightingale, A., Kelemen, M., & Stewart, C. (2022). Ankle-foot orthosis adherence in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: A scoping review. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 46(4), 351-356.

Background: Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are commonly supplied to children with cerebral palsy (CP) to support their gait. However, usage is reported to decrease through adolescence. Because AFOs can allow users to engage in daily activities and develo... Read More about Ankle-foot orthosis adherence in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: A scoping review.

Use and evaluation of assistive technologies for upper limb function in tetraplegia (2021)
Journal Article
Readioff, R., Kamran Siddiqui, Z., Stewart, C., Fulbrook, L., O’Connor, R. J., & Chadwick, E. K. (2021). Use and evaluation of assistive technologies for upper limb function in tetraplegia. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 45(6), 1 - 12.

Context More than half of all spinal cord injuries (SCI) occur at the cervical level leading to loss of upper limb function, restricted activity and reduced independence. Several technologies have been developed to assist with upper limb functions in... Read More about Use and evaluation of assistive technologies for upper limb function in tetraplegia.

The Use of Technology in the Subcategorisation of Osteoarthritis: a Delphi Study Approach (2020)
Journal Article
Mennan, C., Hopkins, T., Channon, A., Elliott, M., Johnstone, B., Kadir, T., …Roberts, S. (2020). The Use of Technology in the Subcategorisation of Osteoarthritis: a Delphi Study Approach. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2(3), Article 100081.

Objective This UK-wide OATech+ Network consensus study utilised a Delphi approach to discern levels of awareness across an expert panel regarding the role of existing and novel technologies in osteoarthritis research. To direct future cross-disciplin... Read More about The Use of Technology in the Subcategorisation of Osteoarthritis: a Delphi Study Approach.

“Dynamic knee valgus” – are we measuring what we think we’re measuring? An evaluation of static and functional knee calibration methods for application in gait and clinical screening tests of the overhead squat and hurdle step. (2019)
Journal Article
Philp, F., Leboeuf, F., Pandyan, A., & Stewart, C. (2019). “Dynamic knee valgus” – are we measuring what we think we’re measuring? An evaluation of static and functional knee calibration methods for application in gait and clinical screening tests of the overhead squat and hurdle step. Gait and Posture, 70, 298-304.

Dynamic “knee valgus” has been identified as a risk factor for significant knee injuries, however, the limits and sources of error associated with existing 3D motion analysis methods have not been well established.

Research question
W... Read More about “Dynamic knee valgus” – are we measuring what we think we’re measuring? An evaluation of static and functional knee calibration methods for application in gait and clinical screening tests of the overhead squat and hurdle step..

Study of the measurement and predictive validity of the Functional Movement Screen (2018)
Journal Article
Philp, F., Blana, D., Chadwick, E. K., Stewart, C., Stapleton, C., Major, K., & Pandyan, A. D. (2018). Study of the measurement and predictive validity of the Functional Movement Screen. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 4(1), Article e000357

Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the reported measurement capabilities and predictive validity of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) for injury. Methods: This was a prospective observational longitudinal study of 24 male footballers... Read More about Study of the measurement and predictive validity of the Functional Movement Screen.

Transcriptomic and Epigenetic Regulation of Disuse Atrophy and the Return to Activity in Skeletal Muscle (2017)
Journal Article
Fisher, A. G., Seaborne, R. A., Hughes, T. M., Gutteridge, A., Stewart, C., Coulson, J. M., …Jarvis, J. C. (2017). Transcriptomic and Epigenetic Regulation of Disuse Atrophy and the Return to Activity in Skeletal Muscle. FASEB Journal, 31(12), 5268-5282.

Physical inactivity and disuse are major contributors to age-related muscle loss. Denervation of skeletal muscle has been previously used as a model with which to investigate muscle atrophy following disuse. Although gene regulatory networks that con... Read More about Transcriptomic and Epigenetic Regulation of Disuse Atrophy and the Return to Activity in Skeletal Muscle.

Abnormal loading and functional deficits are present in both limbs before and after unilateral knee arthroplasty (2017)
Journal Article
Metcalfe, A., Stewart, C., Postans, N., Biggs, P., Whatling, G., Holt, C., & Roberts, A. (2017). Abnormal loading and functional deficits are present in both limbs before and after unilateral knee arthroplasty. Gait & Posture, 55, 109-115.

Abstract Unilateral knee replacement is often followed by a contralateral replacement in time and the biomechanics of the other knee before and after knee replacement remains poorly understood. The aim of this paper is to distinguish the features of... Read More about Abnormal loading and functional deficits are present in both limbs before and after unilateral knee arthroplasty.

A systems-based investigation into vitamin D and skeletal muscle repair, regeneration, and hypertrophy (2015)
Journal Article
Stewart. (2015). A systems-based investigation into vitamin D and skeletal muscle repair, regeneration, and hypertrophy. AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism, E1019 - E1031.

Skeletal muscle is a direct target for vitamin D. Observational studies suggest that low 25[OH]D correlates with functional recovery of skeletal muscle following eccentric contractions in humans and crush injury in rats. However, a definitive associa... Read More about A systems-based investigation into vitamin D and skeletal muscle repair, regeneration, and hypertrophy.

Changes in gait which occur before and during the adolescent growth spurt in children treated by selective dorsal rhizotomy. (2015)
Journal Article
McFall, J., Stewart, C., Kidgell, V., Postans, N., Jarvis, S., Freeman, R., & Roberts, A. (2015). Changes in gait which occur before and during the adolescent growth spurt in children treated by selective dorsal rhizotomy. Gait and Posture, 42(3), 317 - 322.

This paper presents long term follow up results from 17 children (6 girls, 11 boys, GMFCS levels II-IV), treated by means of selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR). The particular focus is on the effect of the adolescent growth spurt on patients who had pr... Read More about Changes in gait which occur before and during the adolescent growth spurt in children treated by selective dorsal rhizotomy..

Gait analysis to guide a selective dorsal rhizotomy program (2015)
Journal Article
Roberts, A., Stewart, C., & Freeman, R. (2015). Gait analysis to guide a selective dorsal rhizotomy program. Gait and Posture, 42(1), 16-22.

Selective dorsal rhizotomy is a valuable surgical option to manage spasticity in children with bilateral cerebral palsy with the objective of improving function. Choosing the correct patient for rhizotomy requires considerable effort and a comprehens... Read More about Gait analysis to guide a selective dorsal rhizotomy program.