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Steven Rogers' Outputs (2)

Tracking Sustainability Concepts in Geology and Earth Science Teaching and Learning, Keele University, UK (2018)
Journal Article
Rogers, S., Egan, S., & Stimpson, I. (2018). Tracking Sustainability Concepts in Geology and Earth Science Teaching and Learning, Keele University, UK. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

Sustainability of the planet is fundamental to our common future, and geologists and geoscientists are key stakeholders in this process. Better understanding of the Earth, its processes and utilisation of its resources, through successful science com... Read More about Tracking Sustainability Concepts in Geology and Earth Science Teaching and Learning, Keele University, UK.

A novel population of composite mounds: their initiation, growth and demise. San Emiliano Formation, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain (2018)
Journal Article
Rogers. (2018). A novel population of composite mounds: their initiation, growth and demise. San Emiliano Formation, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain. Journal of Iberian Geology, 225-241.

Purpose: Mounds from the Pennsylvanian aged San Emiliano Formation (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain) are commonly well exposed. These mounds range from 2 to 50 m in height and are observed to be primary geological features. The mounds are described and c... Read More about A novel population of composite mounds: their initiation, growth and demise. San Emiliano Formation, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain.