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Steven Rogers' Outputs (7)

The Equator Project- how to remove barriers, improve access and enhance experience for ethnic minority students in Geography, Earth and Environmental Science postgraduate research (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Dowey, N., Giles, S., Jackson, C., Williams, R., Fernando, B., Lawrence, A., …Souch, C. (2023, April). The Equator Project- how to remove barriers, improve access and enhance experience for ethnic minority students in Geography, Earth and Environmental Science postgraduate research. Presented at EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austira

Engaging Augmented Environments: Building Digital Spaces (2020)
Presentation / Conference
Rogers. (2020, January). Engaging Augmented Environments: Building Digital Spaces. Presented at KIITE STUDENT EDUCATION CONFERENCE 2020, Keele Hall

This presentation explores the viability of augmented digital spaces and environments and importantly, the pedagogic, social and inclusive impact which they have. Educational augmented digital spaces include a wide range of media and systems, from re... Read More about Engaging Augmented Environments: Building Digital Spaces.

Carbonate Microfacies of the Cedar Mesa Sandstone: Examples from a Mixed Clastic/Evaporitic Continental Sabkha
Presentation / Conference
Rogers. Carbonate Microfacies of the Cedar Mesa Sandstone: Examples from a Mixed Clastic/Evaporitic Continental Sabkha. Presented at The British Sedimentological Research Group AGM

Arid continental environments are typically dominated by aeolian, alluvial and fluvial deposits. Despite being commonly recognised, carbonate deposits within these environments are often overlooked, yet they can provide vital insight into the deposit... Read More about Carbonate Microfacies of the Cedar Mesa Sandstone: Examples from a Mixed Clastic/Evaporitic Continental Sabkha.