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Dr Ralf Gertisser's Outputs (9)

A record of magmatic differentiation in plutonic xenoliths from Santorini (Greece) (2024)
Journal Article
Whitley, S., Halama, R., Gertisser, R., Hansteen, T. H., Frische, M., & Vennemann, T. (2024). A record of magmatic differentiation in plutonic xenoliths from Santorini (Greece). Volcanica, 7(2),

Plutonic xenoliths from volcanic arcs provide unique insights into transcrustal magmatic systems in subduction zone settings. At Santorini volcano in the Central Aegean Volcanic Arc (Greece), plutonic xenoliths occur throughout a sequence of lavas an... Read More about A record of magmatic differentiation in plutonic xenoliths from Santorini (Greece).

Magma recharge in persistently active basaltic–andesite systems and its geohazards implications: the case of Villarrica volcano, Chile (2024)
Journal Article
Cortés, J. A., Gertisser, R., & Calder, E. S. (2024). Magma recharge in persistently active basaltic–andesite systems and its geohazards implications: the case of Villarrica volcano, Chile. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 113, 1145–1163.

We report whole-rock chemistry, mineral chemistry, and volatile content from Villarrica volcano’s major recent paroxysms and background activity. Composition of the volcanic products are basalt to basaltic andesite with whole-rock SiO2 content betwee... Read More about Magma recharge in persistently active basaltic–andesite systems and its geohazards implications: the case of Villarrica volcano, Chile.

Hazardous explosive eruptions of a recharging multi-cyclic island arc caldera (2024)
Journal Article
Preine, J., Karstens, J., Hübscher, C., Druitt, T., Kutterolf, S., Nomikou, P., …Papanikolaou, D. (2024). Hazardous explosive eruptions of a recharging multi-cyclic island arc caldera. Nature Geoscience, 17(4), 323-331.

Caldera-forming eruptions of silicic volcanic systems are among the most devastating events on Earth. By contrast, post-collapse volcanic activity initiating new caldera cycles is generally considered less hazardous. Formed after Santorini’s latest c... Read More about Hazardous explosive eruptions of a recharging multi-cyclic island arc caldera.

Expedition 398 Preliminary Report: Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field (2024)
Conference Proceeding
Druitt, T., Kutterolf, S., Ronge, T., & Scientists, E. 3. (in press). Expedition 398 Preliminary Report: Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field. In International Ocean Discovery Program Preliminary Report.

The objectives of International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 398, Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field (11 December 2022 to 10 February 2023), were to study the volcanic record of the central Hellenic island arc; document the links and feedbacks... Read More about Expedition 398 Preliminary Report: Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field.

Giant offshore pumice deposit records a shallow submarine explosive eruption of ancestral Santorini (2024)
Journal Article
Druitt, T., Kutterolf, S., Ronge, T. A., Hübscher, C., Nomikou, P., Preine, J., …Lee, H. (2024). Giant offshore pumice deposit records a shallow submarine explosive eruption of ancestral Santorini. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), Article 24.

Large explosive volcanic eruptions from island arcs pour pyroclastic currents into marine basins, impacting ecosystems and generating tsunamis that threaten coastal communities and infrastructures. Risk assessments require robust records of such high... Read More about Giant offshore pumice deposit records a shallow submarine explosive eruption of ancestral Santorini.