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Clare Jinks' Outputs (135)

The ‘ENHANCE’ long-term condition review: Identifying co-morbid joint pain, depression and anxiety in patients with long-term conditions (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Tan, V., Jinks, C., Porcheret, M., Chew-Graham, C. A., Cooper, V., Healey, E. L., …Finney, A. G. (2014, June). The ‘ENHANCE’ long-term condition review: Identifying co-morbid joint pain, depression and anxiety in patients with long-term conditions. Paper presented at HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH NETWORK SYMPOSIUM 2014, Nottingham Conference Centre, Nottingham, England, UK

'...I've found once the weight had gone off, i've had a few twinges, but nothing like before'. Exploring weight and self-management of knee pain. (2014)
Journal Article
Jinks. (2014). '...I've found once the weight had gone off, i've had a few twinges, but nothing like before'. Exploring weight and self-management of knee pain. Musculoskeletal Care, 63 - 73.

OBJECTIVES: Being overweight or obese is a key risk factor for the onset and exacerbation of knee pain. Policy and clinical guidelines encourage lifestyle changes as part of prevention or supported self-management. The present study explores how peop... Read More about '...I've found once the weight had gone off, i've had a few twinges, but nothing like before'. Exploring weight and self-management of knee pain..

Extending the authority for sickness certification beyond the medical profession: the importance of 'boundary work' (2014)
Journal Article
Welsh, V., Sanders, T., Richardson, J., Wynne-Jones, G., Jinks, C., & Mallen, C. (2014). Extending the authority for sickness certification beyond the medical profession: the importance of 'boundary work'. BMC Family Practice, 100 -?.

BACKGROUND: The study aimed to explore the views of general practitioners (GPs), nurses and physiotherapists towards extending the role of sickness certification beyond the medical profession in primary care. METHODS: Fifteen GPs, seven nurses and si... Read More about Extending the authority for sickness certification beyond the medical profession: the importance of 'boundary work'.

74. Uptake of the Nice Osteoarthritis Core Treatments In Community Dwelling Older Adults with a Self-Reported Primary Care Consultation for Joint Pain (2014)
Journal Article
Healey, E. L., Afolabi, E. K., Lewis, M., Edwards, J. J., Jordan, K. P., Finney, A., …Dziedzic, K. S. (2014). 74. Uptake of the Nice Osteoarthritis Core Treatments In Community Dwelling Older Adults with a Self-Reported Primary Care Consultation for Joint Pain. Rheumatology, 53(suppl_1), i83-i83.

61. Use of an Osteoarthritis Guidebook to Help Provide Supported Self-Management in Primary Care: A Qualitative Exploration of Acceptability for Patients and Professionals (2014)
Journal Article
Morden, A., Jinks, C., Nio Ong, B., Porcheret, M., & Dziedzic, K. (2014). 61. Use of an Osteoarthritis Guidebook to Help Provide Supported Self-Management in Primary Care: A Qualitative Exploration of Acceptability for Patients and Professionals. Rheumatology, 53(suppl_1), i78-i78.

Changing policy and practice: making sense of national guidelines for osteoarthritis. (2014)
Journal Article
Dziedzic, & jinks. (2014). Changing policy and practice: making sense of national guidelines for osteoarthritis. Social Science and Medicine, 101 -109.

Understanding uptake of complex interventions is an increasingly prominent area of research. The interplay of macro (such as changing health policy), meso (re-organisation of professional work) and micro (rationalisation of clinical care) factors upo... Read More about Changing policy and practice: making sense of national guidelines for osteoarthritis..

Designing a placebo device: involving service users in clinical trial design (2013)
Journal Article
Jinks, & Dziedzic. (2013). Designing a placebo device: involving service users in clinical trial design. Health Expectations, e100 - e110.

BACKGROUND: Service users are increasingly involved in the design of clinical trials and in product and device development. Service user involvement in placebo development is crucial to a credible and acceptable placebo for clinical trials, but such... Read More about Designing a placebo device: involving service users in clinical trial design.

Sustaining patient and public involvement in research: A case study of a research centre. (2013)
Journal Article
Jinks, C., Carter, P., Rhodes, C., Beech, R., Dziedzic, K., Hughes, R., …Nio Ong, B. (2013). Sustaining patient and public involvement in research: A case study of a research centre. Journal of Care Services Management, 7(4), 146 - 154.

The literature on patient and public involvement (PPI) in research covers a wide range of topics. However, one area of investigation that appears under developed is the sustainability and impact of PPI beyond involvement in time-limited research proj... Read More about Sustaining patient and public involvement in research: A case study of a research centre..

Mobilising the experiential knowledge of clinicians, patients and carers for applied health-care research (2013)
Journal Article
Carter, P., Beech, R., Coxon, D., Thomas, M. J., & Jinks, C. (2013). Mobilising the experiential knowledge of clinicians, patients and carers for applied health-care research. Contemporary Social Science, 8(3), 307-320.

This article demonstrates the benefits of combining various types of knowledge for applied health research. Funding is available for health research despite these being ‘austere times’ for public services and international policy shifts recognise the... Read More about Mobilising the experiential knowledge of clinicians, patients and carers for applied health-care research.

A mixed methods study to investigate needs assessment for knee pain and disability: population and individual perspectives (2007)
Journal Article
Jinks, C., Nio Ong, B., & Richardson, J. (2007). A mixed methods study to investigate needs assessment for knee pain and disability: population and individual perspectives. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders,

The new Musculoskeletal Services Framework outlines the importance of health care needs assessment. Our aim was to provide a model for this for knee pain and disability, describing felt need (individual assessment of a need for health care) and expre... Read More about A mixed methods study to investigate needs assessment for knee pain and disability: population and individual perspectives.

Decision-making regarding total knee replacement surgery: a qualitative meta-synthesis (2007)
Journal Article
O'Neill, T., Jinks, C., & Nio Ong, B. (2007). Decision-making regarding total knee replacement surgery: a qualitative meta-synthesis. BMC Health Services Research, 7(52),

Knee osteoarthritis is a highly prevalent condition that can result in disability and reduced quality of life. The evidence suggests that total knee replacement surgery (TKR) is an effective intervention for patients with severe knee problems, but th... Read More about Decision-making regarding total knee replacement surgery: a qualitative meta-synthesis.

Disabling knee pain--another consequence of obesity: results from a prospective cohort study (2006)
Journal Article
Jinks, C., Jordan, K., & Croft, P. (2006). Disabling knee pain--another consequence of obesity: results from a prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health, 6, Article 258.

Obesity is linked to knee osteoarthritis (OA) and knee pain. These are disabling problems that are more prevalent in older adults. No prospective study has estimated the impact of excess weight avoidance on the occurrence of knee pain in the general... Read More about Disabling knee pain--another consequence of obesity: results from a prospective cohort study.