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Outputs (85)

A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol (2024)
Journal Article
Bullock, L., Nicholls, E., Cherrington, A., Butler-Walley, S., Clark, E. M., Fleming, J., …Paskins, Z. (2024). A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol. NIHR Open Research,

Good quality shared decision-making (SDM) conversations involve people with, or at risk of osteoporosis and clinicians collaborating to decide, where appropriate, which evidence-based medicines best fit the person’s life, beliefs, and val... Read More about A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol.

Evaluating qualitative data analysis workshops from the perspective of public contributors (2024)
Journal Article
Moult, A., McGrath, C., Lippiett, K., Coope, C., Turner, A., Chillcott, S., …Dziedzic, K. (2024). Evaluating qualitative data analysis workshops from the perspective of public contributors. Research Involvement and Engagement, 10(1), Article 99.

Background: The aim of this project is to evaluate public contributors’ experiences of their involvement in qualitative data analysis workshops during an on-going research project titled ‘Personalised Primary care for Patients with Multiple long-term... Read More about Evaluating qualitative data analysis workshops from the perspective of public contributors.

Interventions to promote colorectal cancer screening among people with a family history of colorectal cancer: A scoping review. (2024)
Journal Article
Firzara, A. M. T., Beh, H. C., Selvaraj, C. S., Mallen, C., Ng, C. J., & Lee, Y. K. (in press). Interventions to promote colorectal cancer screening among people with a family history of colorectal cancer: A scoping review. Preventive Medicine, 189(December 2024), 1-18.

The global incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) is rising, with people having a family history of CRC (PFH-CRC) facing double the risk compared to the average-risk population. Despite this, CRC screening uptake among PFH-CRC remains low. There is a l... Read More about Interventions to promote colorectal cancer screening among people with a family history of colorectal cancer: A scoping review..

2234 Temporal trends in Parkinson’s disease-related mortality from 1999–2020: a Nationwide cohort study (2024)
Journal Article
Sokhal, B., Menon, S., Shepherd, T., Muller, S., Arora, A., & Mallen, C. (2024). 2234 Temporal trends in Parkinson’s disease-related mortality from 1999–2020: a Nationwide cohort study. Age and ageing, 53(Supplement_3), iii19.

Introduction Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the most common neurodegenerative movement disorder and is associated with significant disability. The prevalence of PD is increasing and the literature demonstrates potential sex and race disparities in patie... Read More about 2234 Temporal trends in Parkinson’s disease-related mortality from 1999–2020: a Nationwide cohort study.

2236 Emergency department attendance stratified by cause and frailty status: a national cohort study of over 155 million patients (2024)
Journal Article
Sokhal, B., Matetić, A., Protheroe, J., Helliwell, T., Myint, P., Paul, T., …Mamas, M. (2024). 2236 Emergency department attendance stratified by cause and frailty status: a national cohort study of over 155 million patients. Age and ageing, 53(Supplement_3),

Introduction Data are limited on whether the causes of Emergency Department (ED) attendance and clinical outcomes vary by frailty status. Methods Using data from the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample, all ED attendances from 2016 to 2018 were st... Read More about 2236 Emergency department attendance stratified by cause and frailty status: a national cohort study of over 155 million patients.

2235 National Trends in motor neurone disease-associated mortality from 1999–2020 (2024)
Journal Article
Imantalab, D., Sokhal, B., Menon, S., Kara, S., Muller, S., & Mallen, C. (2024). 2235 National Trends in motor neurone disease-associated mortality from 1999–2020. Age and ageing, 53(Supplement_3),

Introduction Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a neurodegenerative condition affecting the spinal cord and brainstem, commonly associated with a reduced life expectancy. This study describes demographic trends in MND-associated mortality in the United S... Read More about 2235 National Trends in motor neurone disease-associated mortality from 1999–2020.

Effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination in adults with common immune-mediated inflammatory diseases in the UK: a case-control study. (2024)
Journal Article
Nakafero, G., Grainge, M. J., Card, T., Mallen, C. D., Nguyen Van-Tam, J. S., & Abhishek, A. (2024). Effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination in adults with common immune-mediated inflammatory diseases in the UK: a case-control study. The Lancet Rheumatology, 6(9), e615-e624.

People with immune-mediated inflammatory disease are at increased risk of pneumococcal pneumonia. The effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination in people with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases has not been evaluated. We investigated the effective... Read More about Effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination in adults with common immune-mediated inflammatory diseases in the UK: a case-control study..

Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: Recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection (2024)
Journal Article
Woodcock, C., Cornwall, N., Harrisson, S., Jinks, C., Buttery, A., Ashworth, J., …Dikomitis, L. (2024). Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: Recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection. British Journal of Pain,

Introduction Understanding patients’ experiences is important when developing interventions for people living with persistent pain. Interviews and focus groups are frequently used to capture beliefs, views, and perspectives. These methods often requi... Read More about Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: Recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection.