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Custodians of a tradition: Republican leaders and the development of American foreign policy, 1944-1949
Tyrrell, A. J. (1974). Custodians of a tradition: Republican leaders and the development of American foreign policy, 1944-1949

A study of the attempt by leading members of the Republican Party to define a coherent Republican attitude to foreign affairs at a time when America’s role was being transformed. The principal Republican leaders are identified as Senator Arthur H. Va... Read More about Custodians of a tradition: Republican leaders and the development of American foreign policy, 1944-1949.

Composing with images: a portfolio of audiovisual works exploring the compositional potential of associative sonic, visual and intellectual imagery.
Bird, S. (2010). visual and intellectual imagery

Most of the research undertaken within the music community on the combination of sound and imagery, has related either to mainstream filmmaking, or has been rooted in the predominantly abstract world of Visual Music. However, this portfolio utilises... Read More about Composing with images: a portfolio of audiovisual works exploring the compositional potential of associative sonic, visual and intellectual imagery..

The formation of the Polish government-in-exile and its relations with Great Britain, 1939-1941
Coutouvidis, J. (1975). The formation of the Polish government-in-exile and its relations with Great Britain, 1939-1941

In June, 1940, the Polish Government established itself in London. It was headed by General Wladyslaw Sikorski and in its composition it reflected a radical change in Polish politics since the coup d'etat of May 1926, which brought Marshal Josef Pils... Read More about The formation of the Polish government-in-exile and its relations with Great Britain, 1939-1941.

Commercial persuasion: the evolution of an advertising vocabulary in England from 1300 to 1972
Jones, J. C. (1975). Commercial persuasion: the evolution of an advertising vocabulary in England from 1300 to 1972

This thesis is a descriptive and annotated survey of the persuasive words and phrases cultivated by generations of English advertisers. It considers the spoken and chanted words of street vendors, the printed offers to treat made in newspapers, magaz... Read More about Commercial persuasion: the evolution of an advertising vocabulary in England from 1300 to 1972.

The Jew as myth in recent Jewish-American fiction, with specific reference to the novels of Saul Bellow
Miller, M. J. (1975). The Jew as myth in recent Jewish-American fiction, with specific reference to the novels of Saul Bellow

The premise of this thesis is that the European Holocaust, the systematic genocide practised upon the Jews by the Nazis in World War II, gave a new moral authority to the Jew in American literature; and that the onset of philo-Semitism combined with... Read More about The Jew as myth in recent Jewish-American fiction, with specific reference to the novels of Saul Bellow.

Response to change - a study of guidance and counselling in secondary and grammar schools and technical colleges in Northern Ireland
Fulton, J. F. (1975). Response to change - a study of guidance and counselling in secondary and grammar schools and technical colleges in Northern Ireland

The roots of guidance and counselling are to he found in the works of the great philosophers who have written on education. However, the modern concept of guidance, as a service distinguished from normal classroom practice, is a relative newcomer on... Read More about Response to change - a study of guidance and counselling in secondary and grammar schools and technical colleges in Northern Ireland.

The evolution of history teaching in British and French schools in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with special reference to attitudes to race and colonial history in history schoolbooks
Glendenning, F. J. (1975). The evolution of history teaching in British and French schools in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with special reference to attitudes to race and colonial history in history schoolbooks

A consideration of the development of history teaching in Britain and France in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries demonstrates the growing acceptability of history as a school subject. World History was only approved for schools after the Second... Read More about The evolution of history teaching in British and French schools in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with special reference to attitudes to race and colonial history in history schoolbooks.

Some aspects of the treatment of the industrial and urban working classes in British prose fiction, 1832-1914
Miles, E. C. (1975). Some aspects of the treatment of the industrial and urban working classes in British prose fiction, 1832-1914

This study of attitudes to and the presentation of the industrial and urban working classes in prose fiction written between 1832 and 1914 begins with two chapters on the urban environment. The first, which concentrates on books written before 1880,... Read More about Some aspects of the treatment of the industrial and urban working classes in British prose fiction, 1832-1914.

A sociological analysis of educational change: the introduction of comprehensive secondary schools in England and Wales
Piper, J. S. (1975). A sociological analysis of educational change: the introduction of comprehensive secondary schools in England and Wales

Following a review of the sociological literature concerning the relationship between education systems and the wider society, a model of institutional change is presented and developed in terms specific to education, and decision making in education... Read More about A sociological analysis of educational change: the introduction of comprehensive secondary schools in England and Wales.