Combined bacterial and viral infection epidemics: Examining the evidence and appropriate responses to protect crop health (E-Prep). E-Prep Impact Report.
Bell, J., Bass, C., Maye, D., Milne, A., Bramham, L., Gao, J., …Vestergren, S. (2025). Combined bacterial and viral infection epidemics: Examining the evidence and appropriate responses to protect crop health (E-Prep). E-Prep Impact Report. Zenodo: E-Prep
The E-Prep team are funded by UKRI under the project titled “Combined bacterial and viral infection epidemics: Examining the evidence and appropriate responses to protect crop health (E-Prep)” MR/Z50581X/1. The project began on 1st September 2024 and... Read More about Combined bacterial and viral infection epidemics: Examining the evidence and appropriate responses to protect crop health (E-Prep). E-Prep Impact Report..