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Outputs (30)

Environmentalism, Resistance and Solidarity: The Politics of Friends of the Earth International (2013)
Doherty, B., & Doyle, T. (2013). Environmentalism, Resistance and Solidarity: The Politics of Friends of the Earth International. Palgrave Macmillan.

Drawing from a rich mix of survey data, interviews, and access to internal meetings, Brian Doherty and Timothy Doyle show how FoEI has developed a distinctive environmentalism, which allows for the differences in context between regions and across th... Read More about Environmentalism, Resistance and Solidarity: The Politics of Friends of the Earth International.

Environmental direct action in Manchester, Oxford and North Wales: a protest event analysis (2007)
Journal Article
Doherty. (2007). Environmental direct action in Manchester, Oxford and North Wales: a protest event analysis. Environmental Politics, 805 -825.

Direct action campaigns against new roads in the UK received much attention, but campaign groups were locally organised and little is known about how they worked. Protests by three local environmental direct action groups in the years 1992-2001 are e... Read More about Environmental direct action in Manchester, Oxford and North Wales: a protest event analysis.

Friends of the Earth International: negotiating a transnational identity (2007)
Journal Article
Doherty. (2007). Friends of the Earth International: negotiating a transnational identity. Environmental Politics, 860 -880.

The aim of this article is to assess the relationships between majority (South) and minority (North) world environmental groups by focusing on one of the largest transnational environmental organisations: Friends of the Earth International (FoEI):1... Read More about Friends of the Earth International: negotiating a transnational identity.

Green public spheres and the green governance state: the politics of emancipation and ecological conditionality (2007)
Journal Article
Doherty. (2007). Green public spheres and the green governance state: the politics of emancipation and ecological conditionality. Environmental Politics, 881 -892.

A consistent thread weaves through all the articles in this edition. Each author, in some fashion, reflects upon the dual concepts of a ‘global green public sphere’ and the ‘global governance state’, as they intersect with the politics of environment... Read More about Green public spheres and the green governance state: the politics of emancipation and ecological conditionality.

Beyond borders: Transnational politics, social movements and modern environmentalisms (2006)
Journal Article
Doherty. (2006). Beyond borders: Transnational politics, social movements and modern environmentalisms. Environmental Politics, 697 -712.

This introduction considers three themes that recur across the various contributions to this collection. The first is the nature of borders and how these have been affected by the increase in transnational collective action and the growth in the powe... Read More about Beyond borders: Transnational politics, social movements and modern environmentalisms.

Covert repertoires: ecotage in the UK (2004)
Journal Article
Doherty. (2004). Covert repertoires: ecotage in the UK. Social Movement Studies, 199 - 220.

Ecological sabotage (ecotage) has been a feature of the more radical parts of the environmental movement in the Western world for several decades. While it may be perceived as being the preserve of underground cells of 'eco-terrorists', in the UK tho... Read More about Covert repertoires: ecotage in the UK.

Explaining the fuel protests (2003)
Journal Article
Doherty. (2003). Explaining the fuel protests. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 1 -23.

We describe and analyse the fuel protests in the UK in September and November 2000. We draw on theories of social movements to explain the success of the first of these protests and the failure of the second. We show how the loose, network forms of o... Read More about Explaining the fuel protests.

Book Chapter
Doherty, B. (1996). GREEN PARTIES, NONVIOLENCE AND POLITICAL OBLIGATION. . Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

The green movement has posed some tough questions for traditional justifications of democracy. Should the natural world have rights? Can we take account of the interests of future generations? But questions have also been asked of the greens. Could t... Read More about GREEN PARTIES, NONVIOLENCE AND POLITICAL OBLIGATION.