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Outputs (7)

Hypoxic Neuroinflammation in the Pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis (2025)
Journal Article
Hollingworth, B. Y. A., Pallier, P. N., Jenkins, S. I., & Chen, R. (in press). Hypoxic Neuroinflammation in the Pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis. Brain Sciences, 15(3), Article 248.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that damages the myelin sheath around the central nervous system axons, leading to neurological dysfunction. Although the initial damage is driven by inflammation, hypoxia has been reported in several... Read More about Hypoxic Neuroinflammation in the Pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis.

Proposed Diagnostic Reference Levels for Frequently Performed Paediatric Radiographic Examinations (2025)
Journal Article
Doyle, E., Dimmock, M. R., Lee, K. L., Thomas, P., & Bassed, R. B. (2025). Proposed Diagnostic Reference Levels for Frequently Performed Paediatric Radiographic Examinations. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences,

Introduction: Paediatric diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) are dose levels for typical medical imaging examinations for broadly defined types of equipment with weight‐stratification preferred by the International Commission on Radiological Protectio... Read More about Proposed Diagnostic Reference Levels for Frequently Performed Paediatric Radiographic Examinations.

Exercising an individualized process of agency in restoring a self and repairing a daily life disrupted by fibromyalgia: A narrative analysis (2025)
Journal Article
Mengshoel, A. M., Sallinen, M., Sim, J., & Ahlsen, B. (2025). Exercising an individualized process of agency in restoring a self and repairing a daily life disrupted by fibromyalgia: A narrative analysis. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 7, 1-8.

Objective: Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that has major impact on people’s lives. This study examines individuals’ illness trajectories, with a particular focus on daily life experiences and self-managing.
Methods: Narrative interviews were co... Read More about Exercising an individualized process of agency in restoring a self and repairing a daily life disrupted by fibromyalgia: A narrative analysis.

Occupational stress and wellbeing: A qualitative exploration of the perspectives and experiences of migrant sonographers practising in the United Kingdom. (2025)
Journal Article
Ollawa, C. U., Lawal, O., Akpan, E., Upeh, E. R., & Kwame Anudjo, M. N. (in press). Occupational stress and wellbeing: A qualitative exploration of the perspectives and experiences of migrant sonographers practising in the United Kingdom. Radiography, 31(2), 1-8.

Occupational stress (OS) and burnout are prevalent in healthcare, including ultrasound. These challenges are exacerbated by staff shortages, increasing workload, and ageing population growth, leading to a growing reliance on ultrasound for diagnosis.... Read More about Occupational stress and wellbeing: A qualitative exploration of the perspectives and experiences of migrant sonographers practising in the United Kingdom..

Implementation of a National Antimicrobial Stewardship Training Programme for General Practice: A Case Study (2025)
Journal Article
Cooper, D., Stevens, C., Jamieson, C., Lee, M. X., Riley, R., Patel, B., …Lecky, D. M. (in press). Implementation of a National Antimicrobial Stewardship Training Programme for General Practice: A Case Study. Antibiotics, 14(2), 1-11.

Background: Approximately 71% of antibiotics in England are prescribed in general practice settings. Whilst there are various impactful training resources available to support clinicians in antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) activities, implementation,... Read More about Implementation of a National Antimicrobial Stewardship Training Programme for General Practice: A Case Study.

Cancer Therapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity: Results of the Analysis of the UK DEFINE Database (2025)
Journal Article
Chan, S. H. Y., Fitzpatrick, R. W., Layton, D., Webley, S., & Salek, S. (in press). Cancer Therapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity: Results of the Analysis of the UK DEFINE Database. Cancers, 17(2), 1-17.

Background: The accelerated development of novel cancer therapies necessitates a thorough understanding of the associated cardiotoxicity profiles, due to their significant implications for the long-term health and quality of life of cancer survivors.... Read More about Cancer Therapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity: Results of the Analysis of the UK DEFINE Database.

Long-range directional growth of neurites induced by magnetic forces (2025)
Journal Article
Nahar, T., Gates, M., Secret, E., Siaugue, J.-M., Fresnais, J., Rotherham, M., …Telling, N. D. (in press). Long-range directional growth of neurites induced by magnetic forces. Acta biomaterialia,

The ability to control the growth and orientation of neurites over long distances has significant implications for regenerative therapies and the development of physiologically relevant brain tissue models. In this study, the forces generated on magn... Read More about Long-range directional growth of neurites induced by magnetic forces.