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Understanding the organisational influences on the quality of and access to primary care in English prisons: a qualitative interview study. (2023)
Journal Article
Sheard, L., Bellass, S., McLintock, K., Foy, R., & Canvin, K. (2023). Understanding the organisational influences on the quality of and access to primary care in English prisons: a qualitative interview study. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP), 73(735), e720-e727.

Primary care for routine healthcare conditions is delivered to thousands of people in the English prison estate every day but the prison environment presents unique challenges to the provision of high-quality health care. Little research has focused... Read More about Understanding the organisational influences on the quality of and access to primary care in English prisons: a qualitative interview study..

The quality of prison primary care: cross-sectional cluster-level analyses of prison healthcare data in the North of England (2023)
Journal Article
McLintock, K., Foy, R., Canvin, K., Bellass, S., Hearty, P., Wright, N., …Farragher, T. (2023). The quality of prison primary care: cross-sectional cluster-level analyses of prison healthcare data in the North of England. EClinicalMedicine, 63, Article 102171.

Prisoners have significant health needs, are relatively high users of healthcare, and often die prematurely. Strong primary care systems are associated with better population health outcomes. We investigated the quality of primary care delivered to p... Read More about The quality of prison primary care: cross-sectional cluster-level analyses of prison healthcare data in the North of England.

The quality of prison primary care: cross-sectional cluster-level analyses of prison healthcare data in the North of England (2023)
Journal Article
McLintock, K., Foy, R., Canvin, K., Bellass, S., Hearty, P., Wright, N., …Farragher, T. (2023). The quality of prison primary care: cross-sectional cluster-level analyses of prison healthcare data in the North of England. EClinicalMedicine, 63, Article 102171.

Background: Prisoners have significant health needs, are relatively high users of healthcare and often die prematurely. Strong primary care systems are associated with better population health outcomes. We investigated the quality of primary care del... Read More about The quality of prison primary care: cross-sectional cluster-level analyses of prison healthcare data in the North of England.

‘Trying to battle a very slow version of the system that exists outside’: Experiences of waiting for healthcare in English prisons (2023)
Journal Article
Bellass, S., Canvin, K., & Sheard, L. (in press). ‘Trying to battle a very slow version of the system that exists outside’: Experiences of waiting for healthcare in English prisons. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine,

Prison has been described as the ultimate form of time-punishment – a place where time is no longer a commodity for individuals to spend, but is ordered by a system which symbolises its power through the control of segments of people’s lives. As such... Read More about ‘Trying to battle a very slow version of the system that exists outside’: Experiences of waiting for healthcare in English prisons.

Correction: To what extent are patients involved in researching safety in acute mental healthcare? (Research Involvement and Engagement, (2022), 8, 1, (8), 10.1186/s40900-022-00337-x) (2023)
Journal Article
Brierley-Jones, L., Ramsey, L., Canvin, K., Kendal, S., & Baker, J. (2023). Correction: To what extent are patients involved in researching safety in acute mental healthcare? (Research Involvement and Engagement, (2022), 8, 1, (8), 10.1186/s40900-022-00337-x). Research Involvement and Engagement, 9, Article 65.

“It was really poor prior to the pandemic. It got really bad after”: A qualitative study of the impact of COVID-19 on prison healthcare in England (2023)
Journal Article
Wainwright, L., Senker, S., Canvin, K., & Sheard, L. (2023). “It was really poor prior to the pandemic. It got really bad after”: A qualitative study of the impact of COVID-19 on prison healthcare in England. Health and Justice, 11, Article 6.

The impact of COVID-19 has been exceptional, particularly on the National Health Service which has juggled COVID affected patients alongside related staff shortages and the existing (and growing) health needs of the population. In prisons... Read More about “It was really poor prior to the pandemic. It got really bad after”: A qualitative study of the impact of COVID-19 on prison healthcare in England.

Interventions to improve the implementation of evidence-based healthcare in prisons: a scoping review (2023)
Journal Article
Blackaby, J., Byrne, J., Bellass, S., Canvin, K., & Foy, R. (2023). Interventions to improve the implementation of evidence-based healthcare in prisons: a scoping review. Health & Justice, Article 1.

BACKGROUND: There are challenges to delivering high quality primary care within prison settings and well-recognised gaps between evidence and practice. There is a growing body of literature evaluating interventions to implement evidence-based practic... Read More about Interventions to improve the implementation of evidence-based healthcare in prisons: a scoping review.