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Alternating current (AC) susceptibility as a particle-focused probe of coating and clustering behaviour in magnetic nanoparticle suspensions. (2018)
Journal Article
Narayanasamy, K. K., Cruz-Acuña, M., Rinaldi, C., Everett, J., Dobson, J., & Telling, N. (2018). Alternating current (AC) susceptibility as a particle-focused probe of coating and clustering behaviour in magnetic nanoparticle suspensions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 532, 536 - 545.

HYPOTHESIS: The functionality of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) relies heavily on their surface coating, which in turn affects the interactions between MNPs, and the formation of single-core particles or multi-core clusters. In this study we assessed... Read More about Alternating current (AC) susceptibility as a particle-focused probe of coating and clustering behaviour in magnetic nanoparticle suspensions..

Nanoscale synchrotron X-ray speciation of iron and calcium compounds in amyloid plaque cores from Alzheimer’s disease subjects (2018)
Journal Article
Everett, J., Collingwood, J. F., Tjendana-Tjhin, V., Brooks, J., Lermyte, F., Plascencia-Villa, G., …Telling, N. D. (2018). Nanoscale synchrotron X-ray speciation of iron and calcium compounds in amyloid plaque cores from Alzheimer’s disease subjects. Nanoscale, 10(25), 11782-11796.

Altered metabolism of biometals in the brain is a key feature of Alzheimer's disease, and biometal interactions with amyloid-ß are linked to amyloid plaque formation. Iron-rich aggregates, including evidence for the mixed-valence iron oxide magnetite... Read More about Nanoscale synchrotron X-ray speciation of iron and calcium compounds in amyloid plaque cores from Alzheimer’s disease subjects.