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Outputs (6)

Effects of nilotinib on leukaemia cells using vibrational microspectroscopy and cell cloning (2016)
Journal Article
Siddique, M., Rutter, A., Wehbe, K., Cinque, G., Bellisola, G., & Sule-Suso, J. (2016). Effects of nilotinib on leukaemia cells using vibrational microspectroscopy and cell cloning. Analyst, 8(142), 1299-1307.

Over the last few years, both synchrotron-based FTIR (S-FTIR) and Raman microspectroscopies have helped to better understand the effects of drugs on cancer cells. However, cancer is a mixture of cells with different sensitivity/resistance to drugs. F... Read More about Effects of nilotinib on leukaemia cells using vibrational microspectroscopy and cell cloning.

Virtual imaging for patient information on radiotherapy planning and delivery (2016)
Presentation / Conference
Sule-Suso, J., Finney, S., Bisson, J., Hammersley, S., Jassal, S., Knight, C., …Moloney, A. (2016, April). Virtual imaging for patient information on radiotherapy planning and delivery. Poster presented at ESTRO 35, Turin, Italy

Purpose or Objective: To assess whether both patients and
their relatives would welcome further information on a oneto-one basis on RT planning and delivery using the virtual
reality (VR) system VERT.