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An empirical model to evaluate the effects of environmental humidity on the formation of wrinkled, creased and porous fibre morphology from electrospinning. (2020)
Journal Article
Zhang, D., Davoodi, P., Li, X., Liu, Y., Wang, W., & Yan Shery Huang, Y. (2020). An empirical model to evaluate the effects of environmental humidity on the formation of wrinkled, creased and porous fibre morphology from electrospinning. Scientific reports, 18783 - ?.

Controlling environmental humidity level and thus moisture interaction with an electrospinning solution jet has led to a fascinating range of polymer fibre morphological features; these include surface wrinkles, creases and surface/internal porosity... Read More about An empirical model to evaluate the effects of environmental humidity on the formation of wrinkled, creased and porous fibre morphology from electrospinning..