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Statistical analysis plan for the Stroke Oxygen Study (SO2S): a multi-center randomized controlled trial to assess whether routine oxygen supplementation in the first 72 hours after a stroke improves long-term outcome. (2014)
Journal Article
Ives, N., Sim, J., Gray, R., Roffe, C., Nevatte, T., & Howman, A. (2014). Statistical analysis plan for the Stroke Oxygen Study (SO2S): a multi-center randomized controlled trial to assess whether routine oxygen supplementation in the first 72 hours after a stroke improves long-term outcome. Trials, 15, Article ARTN 229.

BACKGROUND: The Stroke Oxygen Study (SO2S) is a multi-center randomized controlled trial of oxygen supplementation in patients with acute stroke. The main hypothesis for the trial is that fixed-dose oxygen treatment during the first 3 days after an a... Read More about Statistical analysis plan for the Stroke Oxygen Study (SO2S): a multi-center randomized controlled trial to assess whether routine oxygen supplementation in the first 72 hours after a stroke improves long-term outcome..

MicroRNA Profiles Discriminate among Colon Cancer Metastasis (2014)
Journal Article
Drusco, A., Nuovo, G. J., Zanesi, N., Di Leva, G., Pichiorri, F., Volinia, S., …Croce, C. M. (in press). MicroRNA Profiles Discriminate among Colon Cancer Metastasis. PloS one, 9(6), Article e96670.

MicroRNAs are being exploited for diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of cancer and other diseases. Their high tissue specificity and critical role in oncogenesis provide new biomarkers for the diagnosis and classification of cancer as well as predic... Read More about MicroRNA Profiles Discriminate among Colon Cancer Metastasis.

The SIFT and FALP techniques; applications to ionic and electronic reactions studies and their evolution to the SIFT-MS and FA-MS analytical methods (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). The SIFT and FALP techniques; applications to ionic and electronic reactions studies and their evolution to the SIFT-MS and FA-MS analytical methods. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 467 - 478.

Flow tube reactors coupled with quantitative mass spectrometry have made, and continue to make, major contributions to gas phase ion–molecule chemistry, to recombination and electron attachment studies and, most recently, to gas phase trace gas analy... Read More about The SIFT and FALP techniques; applications to ionic and electronic reactions studies and their evolution to the SIFT-MS and FA-MS analytical methods.

The influence of storage parameters on measurement of survival motor neuron (SMN) protein levels: Implications for pre-clinical studies and clinical trials for spinal muscular atrophy (2014)
Journal Article
Hunter, G., Roche, S. L., Somers, E., Fuller, H. R., & Gillingwater, T. H. (2014). The influence of storage parameters on measurement of survival motor neuron (SMN) protein levels: Implications for pre-clinical studies and clinical trials for spinal muscular atrophy. Neuromuscular Disorders, 24(11), 973-977.

Immortalisation with hTERT impacts on sulphated glycosaminoglycan secretion and chondrogenic potential in a variable and cell specific manner (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Dale, T. P., De Castro, A., Parkinson, E. K., Kuiper, N. J., & Forsyth, N. R. (2014, June). Immortalisation with hTERT impacts on sulphated glycosaminoglycan secretion and chondrogenic potential in a variable and cell specific manner. Poster presented at Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine International Society, European Chapter Meeting, Magazzini del Cotone Congress Center, Genova, Italy

Introduction: Limited therapeutic options for the treatment of cartilage damage have driven the development of cell therapy alternatives. How-ever, many of the relevant cell types are difficult to study due to the rapid onset of replicative senescenc... Read More about Immortalisation with hTERT impacts on sulphated glycosaminoglycan secretion and chondrogenic potential in a variable and cell specific manner.

Ferrous iron formation following the co-aggregation of ferric iron and the Alzheimer's disease peptide ß-amyloid (1-42). (2014)
Journal Article
Everett, & Telling. (2014). Ferrous iron formation following the co-aggregation of ferric iron and the Alzheimer's disease peptide ß-amyloid (1-42).

For decades, a link between increased levels of iron and areas of Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology has been recognized, including AD lesions comprised of the peptide ß-amyloid (Aß). Despite many observations of this association, the relationship be... Read More about Ferrous iron formation following the co-aggregation of ferric iron and the Alzheimer's disease peptide ß-amyloid (1-42)..

Similarity of patient characteristics and outcomes in consecutive data collection on stroke admissions over one month compared to longer periods (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Similarity of patient characteristics and outcomes in consecutive data collection on stroke admissions over one month compared to longer periods. BMC Research Notes, 342.

The usefulness of time-limited consecutive data collection compared to continuous consecutive data collection in conditions which show seasonal variations is unclear. The objective of this study is to assess whether one month of admission... Read More about Similarity of patient characteristics and outcomes in consecutive data collection on stroke admissions over one month compared to longer periods.

Stable Isotope Dilution Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry for Quantification of Thymoquinone in Black Cumin Seed Oil (2014)
Journal Article
Johnson-Ajinwo, O. R., & Li, W. (2014). Stable Isotope Dilution Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry for Quantification of Thymoquinone in Black Cumin Seed Oil. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62(24), 5466-5471.

Black cumin seed (Nigella sativa L.) is a widely used spice and herb, where thymoquinone (2-isopropyl-5-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone) is the major bioactive compound. Here, a stable isotope dilution (SID) gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) techn... Read More about Stable Isotope Dilution Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry for Quantification of Thymoquinone in Black Cumin Seed Oil.

Intra-articular injection of mesenchymal stem cells leads to reduced inflammation and cartilage damage in murine antigen-induced arthritis (2014)
Journal Article
Kehoe, O., Cartwright, A., Askari, A., El Haj, A., & Middleton, J. (2014). Intra-articular injection of mesenchymal stem cells leads to reduced inflammation and cartilage damage in murine antigen-induced arthritis. Journal of Translational Medicine, 157 - ?.

BACKGROUND: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a debilitating and painful disease leading to increased morbidity and mortality and novel therapeutic approaches are needed. The purpose of this study was to elucidate if mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) injected... Read More about Intra-articular injection of mesenchymal stem cells leads to reduced inflammation and cartilage damage in murine antigen-induced arthritis.