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Wind-accretion induced rapid rotation and a new class of active star (1996)
Journal Article
Jeffries, R., & Stevens, I. (1996). Wind-accretion induced rapid rotation and a new class of active star. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 279(1), 180–190.

A physical model is presented to explain the occurrence of wide binary systems discovered at EUV wavelengths, such as 2RE J0044 + 093, which consist of a hot white dwarf and an ultra-rapidly rotating K-dwarf. It is difficult to explain the rapid rota... Read More about Wind-accretion induced rapid rotation and a new class of active star.

Are there any isolated old neutron stars in the ROSAT Wide Field Camera survey? (1996)
Journal Article
Manning, R., Jeffries, R., & Willmore, A. (1996). Are there any isolated old neutron stars in the ROSAT Wide Field Camera survey?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 278(2),

We present the results of Monte Carlo simulations to predict the number of isolated old neutron stars (IONs) that are observed in the ROSAT Wide Field Camera (WFC) survey as a result of accretion-powered extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission. Magnetic f... Read More about Are there any isolated old neutron stars in the ROSAT Wide Field Camera survey?.

Is 2RE J0357+283 the most coronally active star in the Galaxy? (1996)
Journal Article
Jeffries, R. D., Burleigh, M. R., & Robb, R. M. (1996). Is 2RE J0357+283 the most coronally active star in the Galaxy?. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 305,

The late-type stellar counterpart to the EUV source 2RE J0357+283 is found to be an ultra-fast rotating K2V star, with a rotation period of 8.76 hrs and vsini of 141+/-5km/s. If this were the only source of the EUV emission, then it would be the most... Read More about Is 2RE J0357+283 the most coronally active star in the Galaxy?.

New Extreme Ultraviolet-Selected Active Binaries from the ROSAT Wide Field Camera all Sky Survey (1995)
Journal Article
Jeffries, R., Bertram, D., & Spurgeon, B. (1995). New Extreme Ultraviolet-Selected Active Binaries from the ROSAT Wide Field Camera all Sky Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 276(2), 397–408.

We present the results of radial velocity measurements for an EUV-selected sample of 11 new G- and K-type binary systems, discovered in a sample of 22 EUV sources from the ROSAT Wide Field Camera (WFC) all-sky survey. The physical status of each syst... Read More about New Extreme Ultraviolet-Selected Active Binaries from the ROSAT Wide Field Camera all Sky Survey.

The kinematics of lithium-rich, active late-type stars: evidence for a low-mass Local Association (1995)
Journal Article
Jeffries, R. D. (1995). The kinematics of lithium-rich, active late-type stars: evidence for a low-mass Local Association. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 273(3),

An EUV-selected sample of late-type stars has been observed for lithium abundances and radial velocity radiations. It is found that essentially all of the single stars have lithium abundances comparable to or greater than late-type stars in the Pleia... Read More about The kinematics of lithium-rich, active late-type stars: evidence for a low-mass Local Association.

RE 0044+09: A new K dwarf rapid rotator with a white dwarf companion? (1995)
Journal Article
Kellett, B. J., Bromage, G. E., Brown, A., Jeffries, R. D., James, D. J., Kilkenny, D., …Clayton, C. (1995). RE 0044+09: A new K dwarf rapid rotator with a white dwarf companion?. Astrophysical Journal, 438,

We report the discovery of a new K dwarf rapid rotator with a potential white dwarf companion. The white dwarf accounts for over 90% of the observed extreme ultraviolet flux detected from this system. Analysis of ROSAT Wide Field Camera (WFC) and IUE... Read More about RE 0044+09: A new K dwarf rapid rotator with a white dwarf companion?.

RE 1816+541: a northern hemisphere analogue to the low-mass rapid rotator HK Aqr. (1994)
Journal Article
Jeffries, R., James, D., & Bromage, G. (1994). RE 1816+541: a northern hemisphere analogue to the low-mass rapid rotator HK Aqr. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 271(2),

Spectroscopic observations of the optical counterpart to the ROSAT Wide Field Camera source RE 1816 + 541 are presented. We find that the counterpart is a chromospherically active, rapidly rotating, dM1-2e star with a
of 61 km s−1. No evide... Read More about RE 1816+541: a northern hemisphere analogue to the low-mass rapid rotator HK Aqr..

BD+22DEG4409 - a Rapidly Rotating Low-Mass Member of the Local Association (1994)
Journal Article
Jeffries, R., Byrne, P., Doyle, J., Anders, G., James, D., & Lanzafame, A. (1994). BD+22DEG4409 - a Rapidly Rotating Low-Mass Member of the Local Association. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 270(1), 153–172.

We present spectroscopic and photometric observations of BD + 22°4409, a nearby, low-mass star which, on the basis of its Galactic space motions and high EUV-to-bolometric luminosity ratio, has been previously assigned membership of the young kinemat... Read More about BD+22DEG4409 - a Rapidly Rotating Low-Mass Member of the Local Association.

RE 0618 + 7 5 - A very short-period, binary dMe system (1993)
Journal Article
Jeffries, R., Elliott, K., Kellett, B., & Bromage, G. (1993). RE 0618 + 7 5 - A very short-period, binary dMe system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 265(1),

We report on the discovery of a new, very short-period, chromospherically active, late-type binary system. Observations performed with the ROSAT Wide Field Camera revealed the EUV source RE 0618 + 75, and subsequent optical spectroscopy identified th... Read More about RE 0618 + 7 5 - A very short-period, binary dMe system.