The GAMes aphids play
Conference Proceeding
Bell, J., Harrington, R., Welham, S., Clark, S., & Pickup, J. (2009). The GAMes aphids play.
Outputs (98)
BICCO-Net: the Biodiversity Impacts of Climate Change Observation Network (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Chamberlain, D., Eglington, S., Haysom, K., Roy, D., Willis, S., Broome, A., …Bell, J. R. (2009, June). BICCO-Net: the Biodiversity Impacts of Climate Change Observation Network. Paper presented at ZSL Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Symposium, London, UK
Endoparasitism in cereal aphids: molecular analysis of a whole parasitoid community (2008)
Journal Article
TRAUGOTT, M., BELL, J., BROAD, G., POWELL, W., VAN VEEN, F., VOLLHARDT, I., & SYMONDSON, W. (2008). Endoparasitism in cereal aphids: molecular analysis of a whole parasitoid community. Molecular Ecology, 17(17), 3928-3938. parasitoids play a major role in terrestrial food webs as they are highly diverse, exploit a wide range of niches and are capable of affecting host population dynamics. Formidable difficulties are encountered when attempting to quantify host–p... Read More about Endoparasitism in cereal aphids: molecular analysis of a whole parasitoid community.
Beneficial links for the control of aphids: the effects of compost applications on predators and prey (2008)
Journal Article
Bell, J. R., Traugott, M., Sunderland, K. D., Skirvin, D. J., Mead, A., Kravar-Garde, L., …Symondson, W. O. (2008). Beneficial links for the control of aphids: the effects of compost applications on predators and prey. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(4), 1266-1273.
Polyphagous predators, such as spiders and beetles, perform a fundamental ecosystem service as regulators of agricultural pests, particularly aphids. They are most effective when they colonize the crop before the pest has reached its exponential g... Read More about Beneficial links for the control of aphids: the effects of compost applications on predators and prey.
Do functional traits improve prediction of predation rates for a disparate group of aphid predators? (2008)
Journal Article
Bell, J., Mead, A., Skirvin, D., Sunderland, K., Fenlon, J., & Symondson, W. (2008). Do functional traits improve prediction of predation rates for a disparate group of aphid predators?. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 98(6), 587 - 597. predators are a systematically disparate group of arthropods united on the basis that they consume aphids as part of their diet. In Europe, this group includes Araneae, Opiliones, Heteroptera, chrysopids, Forficulina, syrphid larvae, carabids,... Read More about Do functional traits improve prediction of predation rates for a disparate group of aphid predators?.
Weed and invertebrate community compositions in arable farmland (2008)
Journal Article
Smith, V., Bohan, D. A., Clark, S. J., Haughton, A. J., Bell, J. R., & Heard, M. S. (2008). Weed and invertebrate community compositions in arable farmland. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 2, Article 21-30. large proportion of the land surface area of Great Britain (GB) is used for arable agriculture. Due to changes in farm management practices over the last 50 years, there have been marked declines in the abundance of arable wildlife groups of conser... Read More about Weed and invertebrate community compositions in arable farmland.
Using spatial co-occurrence networks to examine the effects of prey biomass and density on the distribution of polyphagous predators (2007)
Presentation / Conference
Bell, J., King, R., Bohan, D., & Symondson, W. (2007, December). Using spatial co-occurrence networks to examine the effects of prey biomass and density on the distribution of polyphagous predators. Paper presented at Theoretical Population Ecology and Practical Biocontrol - Bridging the Gap, Studley Castle, Warwickshire, UK
Molecular detection of predation on earthworms (2007)
Presentation / Conference
King, R., Bell, J., Bohan, D., & Symondson, W. (2007, September). Molecular detection of predation on earthworms. Paper presented at UK and Irish Earthworm Researchers' Meeting, London, UK
Ballooning dispersal in arthropod taxa: conditions at take-off (2007)
Journal Article
Reynolds, A. M., Bohan, D. A., & Bell, J. R. (2007). Ballooning dispersal in arthropod taxa: conditions at take-off. Biology Letters, 3(3), have solved a long-standing and seemingly paradoxical set of questions that relate to the conditions which govern spider ballooning. We show that observations of spider ballooning excursions are best explained by meteorological conditions which ma... Read More about Ballooning dispersal in arthropod taxa: conditions at take-off.
Ballooning dispersal in arthropod taxa with convergent behaviours: dynamic properties of ballooning silk in turbulent flows (2006)
Journal Article
Reynolds, A., Bohan, D., & Bell, J. (2006). Ballooning dispersal in arthropod taxa with convergent behaviours: dynamic properties of ballooning silk in turbulent flows. Biology Letters, 2(3), 371–373. present a new model of ballooning behaviour in arthropods in which draglines are regarded as being extendible and completely flexible. Our numerical simulations reveal that silk draglines within turbulent flows can become twisted and stretched int... Read More about Ballooning dispersal in arthropod taxa with convergent behaviours: dynamic properties of ballooning silk in turbulent flows.