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The potential for a released autosomal X-shredder becoming a driving-Y chromosome and invasively suppressing wild populations of malaria mosquitoes (2019)
Journal Article
Alcalay, Y., Fuchs, S., Galizi, R., Bernardini, F., Elaine Haghighat-Khah, R., B. Rusch, D., …Aris Papathanos, P. (2019). The potential for a released autosomal X-shredder becoming a driving-Y chromosome and invasively suppressing wild populations of malaria mosquitoes.

Abstract Synthetic sex-ratio distorters based on X-chromosome shredding are predicted to be more efficient than sterile males for population suppression of malaria mosquitoes using genetic control. X-chromosome shredding operates through the targeted... Read More about The potential for a released autosomal X-shredder becoming a driving-Y chromosome and invasively suppressing wild populations of malaria mosquitoes.

High-resolution transcriptional profiling of Anopheles gambiae spermatogenesis reveals mechanisms of sex chromosome regulation (2019)
Journal Article
Taxiarchi, C., Kranjc, N., Kriezis, A., Kyrou, K., Bernardini, F., Russell, S., …Galizi, R. (2019). High-resolution transcriptional profiling of Anopheles gambiae spermatogenesis reveals mechanisms of sex chromosome regulation. Scientific reports, 14841 - ?.

Although of high priority for the development of genetic tools to control malaria-transmitting mosquitoes, only a few germline-specific regulatory regions have been characterised to date and the presence of global regulatory mechanisms, such as dosag... Read More about High-resolution transcriptional profiling of Anopheles gambiae spermatogenesis reveals mechanisms of sex chromosome regulation.

Introgression of a synthetic sex ratio distortion system from Anopheles gambiae into Anopheles arabiensis. (2019)
Journal Article
Bernardini, F., Kriezis, A., Galizi, R., Nolan, T., & Crisanti, A. (2019). Introgression of a synthetic sex ratio distortion system from Anopheles gambiae into Anopheles arabiensis. Scientific reports, 5158 - ?.

I-PpoI is a homing endonuclease that has a high cleavage activity and specificity for a conserved sequence within the ribosomal rDNA repeats, located in a single cluster on the Anopheles gambiae X chromosome. This property has been exploited to devel... Read More about Introgression of a synthetic sex ratio distortion system from Anopheles gambiae into Anopheles arabiensis..

Publisher Correction: Introgression of a synthetic sex ratio distortion system from Anopheles gambiae into Anopheles arabiensis. (2019)
Journal Article
Bernardini, F., Kriezis, A., Galizi, R., Nolan, T., & Crisanti, A. (2019). Publisher Correction: Introgression of a synthetic sex ratio distortion system from Anopheles gambiae into Anopheles arabiensis. Scientific reports, 7915 - ?.

A correction to this article has been published and is linked from the HTML and PDF versions of this paper. The error has not been fixed in the paper.