Novel wolbachia strains in anopheles malaria vectors from sub-saharan africa [version 2; referees: 3 approved]
Journal Article
Jeffries, C. L., Lawrence, G. G., Golovko, G., Kristan, M., Orsborne, J., Spence, K., …Walker, T. (2018). Novel wolbachia strains in anopheles malaria vectors from sub-saharan africa [version 2; referees: 3 approved]. Wellcome Open Research, 3(113),
Background: Wolbachia, a common insect endosymbiotic bacterium that can influence pathogen transmission and manipulate host reproduction, has historically been considered absent from the Anopheles (An.) genera, but has recently been found in An. gamb... Read More about Novel wolbachia strains in anopheles malaria vectors from sub-saharan africa [version 2; referees: 3 approved].