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Outputs (12)

The GAMes aphids play (2009)
Conference Proceeding
Bell, J., Harrington, R., Welham, S., Clark, S., & Pickup, J. (2009). The GAMes aphids play.

Ecological immunology of mosquito-malaria interactions: Of non-natural versus natural model systems and their inferences (2009)
Journal Article
(2009). Ecological immunology of mosquito-malaria interactions: Of non-natural versus natural model systems and their inferences. Parasitology, 1935 -1942.

There has been a recent shift in the literature on mosquito/Plasmodium interactions with an increasingly large number of theoretical and experimental studies focusing on their population biology and evolutionary processes. Ecological immunology of mo... Read More about Ecological immunology of mosquito-malaria interactions: Of non-natural versus natural model systems and their inferences.

Environmental and spatial characterisation of bacterial community composition in soil to inform sampling strategies (2009)
Journal Article
Baker, K. L., Langenheder, S., Nicol, G. W., Ricketts, D., Killham, K., Campbell, C. D., & Prosser, J. I. (2009). Environmental and spatial characterisation of bacterial community composition in soil to inform sampling strategies. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41(11), 2292-2298.

Soil physicochemical properties and microbial communities are highly heterogeneous and vary widely over spatial scales, necessitating careful consideration of sampling strategies to provide representative and reproducible soil samples across field si... Read More about Environmental and spatial characterisation of bacterial community composition in soil to inform sampling strategies.

Visual but not trigeminal mediation of magnetic compass information in a migratory bird (2009)
Journal Article
Zapka, M., Heyers, D., Hein, C. M., Engels, S., Schneider, N., Hans, J., …Mouritsen, H. (2009). Visual but not trigeminal mediation of magnetic compass information in a migratory bird. Nature, 461(7268), 1274-1277.

Magnetic compass information has a key role in bird orientation1,2,3, but the physiological mechanisms enabling birds to sense the Earth’s magnetic field remain one of the unresolved mysteries in biology2,4. Two biophysical mechanisms have become est... Read More about Visual but not trigeminal mediation of magnetic compass information in a migratory bird.

FAU regulates carboplatin resistance in ovarian cancer (2009)
Journal Article
(2010). FAU regulates carboplatin resistance in ovarian cancer. Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer, 49(1), 70-77.

The development of chemotherapy resistance by cancer cells is complex, using different mechanisms and pathways. The gene FAU (Finkel-Biskis-Reilly murine sarcoma virus (FBR-MuSV)-associated ubiquitously expressed gene) was identified through function... Read More about FAU regulates carboplatin resistance in ovarian cancer.

RACK-1 overexpression protects against goniothalamin-induced cell death (2009)
Journal Article
Inayat-Hussain, S., Wong, L., Chan, K., Rajab, N., Din, L., Harun, R., …Williams, G. (2009). RACK-1 overexpression protects against goniothalamin-induced cell death. Toxicology Letters, 191(2-3), 118-122.

Goniothalamin, a styryllactone, has been shown to induce cytotoxicity via apoptosis in several tumor cell lines. In this study, we have examined the potential role of several genes, which were stably transfected into T-cell lines and which regulate a... Read More about RACK-1 overexpression protects against goniothalamin-induced cell death.

BICCO-Net: the Biodiversity Impacts of Climate Change Observation Network (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Chamberlain, D., Eglington, S., Haysom, K., Roy, D., Willis, S., Broome, A., …Bell, J. R. (2009, June). BICCO-Net: the Biodiversity Impacts of Climate Change Observation Network. Paper presented at ZSL Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Symposium, London, UK

Protein phosphatase 4 regulates apoptosis in leukemic and primary human T-cells (2009)
Journal Article
Mourtada-Maarabouni, M., & Williams, G. T. (2009). Protein phosphatase 4 regulates apoptosis in leukemic and primary human T-cells. Leukemia Research, 33(11), 1539-1551.

The control of T-cell survival is of overwhelming importance for preventing leukemia and lymphoma. The present report demonstrates that the serine/threonine protein phosphatase PP4 regulates the survival of both leukemic T-cells and untransformed hum... Read More about Protein phosphatase 4 regulates apoptosis in leukemic and primary human T-cells.

PfeIK1, a eukaryotic initiation factor 2a kinase of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, regulates stress-response to amino-acid starvation (2009)
Journal Article
Russo. (2009). PfeIK1, a eukaryotic initiation factor 2a kinase of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, regulates stress-response to amino-acid starvation. Malaria Journal, 99 - 99.

Background: Post-transcriptional control of gene expression is suspected to play an important role in malaria parasites. In yeast and metazoans, part of the stress response is mediated through phosphorylation of eukaryotic translation initiation fact... Read More about PfeIK1, a eukaryotic initiation factor 2a kinase of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, regulates stress-response to amino-acid starvation.

Fatty acid acylation regulates trafficking of the unusual Plasmodium falciparum calpain to the nucleolus (2009)
Journal Article
Russo. (2009). Fatty acid acylation regulates trafficking of the unusual Plasmodium falciparum calpain to the nucleolus. Molecular Microbiology, 229 - 245.

The Plasmodium falciparum genome encodes a single calpain. By generating P. falciparum clones expressing C-terminally tagged calpain, we localized this protein to the nucleolus. Pf_calpain possesses an unusual and long N-terminal domain in which we i... Read More about Fatty acid acylation regulates trafficking of the unusual Plasmodium falciparum calpain to the nucleolus.