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Outputs (5)

Sociopolitical consequences of COVID‐19 in the Americas, Europe, and Asia: A multilevel, multicountry investigation of risk perceptions and support for antidemocratic practices (2023)
Journal Article
Pizarro, J. J., Cakal, H., Méndez, L., Zumeta, L. N., Gracia‐Leiva, M., Basabe, N., …Páez, D. (in press). Sociopolitical consequences of COVID‐19 in the Americas, Europe, and Asia: A multilevel, multicountry investigation of risk perceptions and support for antidemocratic practices. Political Psychology,

Although different social crises may eventually favor undemocratic and authoritarian forms of governance, at some point, such antidemocratic practices require the support of a significant part of the population to be implemented. The present research... Read More about Sociopolitical consequences of COVID‐19 in the Americas, Europe, and Asia: A multilevel, multicountry investigation of risk perceptions and support for antidemocratic practices.

The role of common ingroup identity in promoting social change among tribes in Nigeria (2023)
Journal Article
Cocco, V. M., Vezzali, L., Kola-Daisi, T. I., & Çakal, H. (in press). The role of common ingroup identity in promoting social change among tribes in Nigeria. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 136843022311620.

The present research aims to probe the associations of one-group perceptions with collective action intentions among majority group members, by relying on a non-WEIRD sample, that is, from a tribal context in Nigeria. Considering their role in contac... Read More about The role of common ingroup identity in promoting social change among tribes in Nigeria.

Formation of Hatred Emotions Toward Afghan Refugees in Iran: A Grounded Theory Study (2023)
Journal Article
Ruhani, A., Keshavarzi, S., Kizik, B., & Cakal, H. (2023). Formation of Hatred Emotions Toward Afghan Refugees in Iran: A Grounded Theory Study. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology,

Most studies on refugee–host relations focus on attitudes toward refugees based on ethnic and religious differences. In the current research, we focus on how negative attitudes toward refugees are formed in a non-Western, Educated, Industrialized, Ri... Read More about Formation of Hatred Emotions Toward Afghan Refugees in Iran: A Grounded Theory Study.

Young generations' hopelessness perpetuates long-term conflicts (2023)
Journal Article
Hasler, B. S., Leshem, O. A., Hasson, Y., Landau, D. H., Krayem, Y., Blatansky, C., …Halperin, E. (2023). Young generations' hopelessness perpetuates long-term conflicts. Scientific reports, 13(1), Article 4926.

Transforming long-term conflicts into peaceful intergroup relations is one of the most difficult challenges for humanity. Such meaningful social changes are often driven by young people. But do young people living in contexts of long-term conflicts b... Read More about Young generations' hopelessness perpetuates long-term conflicts.