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Rotation and the Cepheid Mass Discrepancy

Rotation and the Cepheid Mass Discrepancy Thumbnail


We recently showed that rotation significantly affects most observable Cepheid quantities, and that rotation, in combination with the evolutionary status of the star, can resolve the long-standing Cepheid mass discrepancy problem. We therefore provide a brief overview of our results regarding the problem of Cepheid masses. We also briefly mention the impact of rotation on the Cepheid period-luminosity(-color) relation, which is crucial for determining extragalactic distances, and thus for calibrating the Hubble constant.


(2015). Rotation and the Cepheid Mass Discrepancy. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 206-207.

Publication Date Jan 23, 2015
Journal Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Print ISSN 1743-9213
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Pages 206-207
Keywords stars: evolution, stars: rotation, supergiants, Cepheids, distance scale


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