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Star formation rates from young-star counts and the structure of the ISM across the NGC 346/N66 complex in the SMC

Hony, S.; Gouliermis, D.A.; Galliano, F.; Galametz, M.; Cormier, D.; Chen, C.-H.R.; Dib, S.; Hughes, A.; Klessen, R.S.; Roman-Duval, J.; Smith, L.; Bernard, J.-P.; Bot, C.; Carlson, L.; Gordon, K.; Indebetouw, R.; Lebouteiller, V.; Lee, M.-Y.; Madden, S.C.; Meixner, M.; Oliveira, J.; Rubio, M.; Sauvage, M.; Wu, R.

Star formation rates from young-star counts and the structure of the ISM across the NGC 346/N66 complex in the SMC Thumbnail


S. Hony

D.A. Gouliermis

F. Galliano

M. Galametz

D. Cormier

C.-H.R. Chen

S. Dib

A. Hughes

R.S. Klessen

J. Roman-Duval

L. Smith

J.-P. Bernard

C. Bot

L. Carlson

K. Gordon

R. Indebetouw

V. Lebouteiller

M.-Y. Lee

S.C. Madden

M. Meixner

M. Rubio

M. Sauvage

R. Wu


The rate at which interstellar gas is converted into stars, and its dependence on environment, is one of the pillars on which our understanding of the visible Universe is build. We present a comparison of the surface density of young stars (S?) and dust surface density (Sdust) across NGC 346 (N66) in 115 independent pixels of 6 × 6 pc2. We find a correlation between S? and Sdust with a considerable scatter. A power-law fit to the data yields a steep relation with an exponent of 2.6 ± 0.2. We convert Sdust to gas surface density (Sgas) and S? to star formation rate (SFR) surface densities (SSFR), using simple assumptions for the gas-to-dust mass ratio and the duration of star formation. The derived total SFR (4 ± 1×10-3 M? yr-1) is consistent with SFR estimated from the Ha emission integrated over the Ha nebula. On small scales the SSFR derived using Ha systematically underestimates the count-based SSFR, by up to a factor of 10. This is due to ionizing photons escaping the area, where the stars are counted. We find that individual 36 pc2 pixels fall systematically above integrated disc galaxies in the Schmidt–Kennicutt diagram by on average a factor of ~7. The NGC 346 average SFR over a larger area (90 pc radius) lies closer to the relation but remains high by a factor of ~3. The fraction of the total mass (gas plus young stars) locked in young stars is systematically high (~10?per?cent) within the central 15 pc and systematically lower outside (2?per?cent), which we interpret as variations in star formation efficiency. The inner 15 pc is dominated by young stars belonging to a centrally condensed cluster, while the outer parts are dominated by a dispersed population. Therefore, the observed trend could reflect a change of star formation efficiency between clustered and non-clustered star formation.


Hony, S., Gouliermis, D., Galliano, F., Galametz, M., Cormier, D., Chen, C., …Wu, R. (2015). Star formation rates from young-star counts and the structure of the ISM across the NGC 346/N66 complex in the SMC. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 448(2), 1847 - 1862.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 15, 2015
Online Publication Date Feb 22, 2015
Publication Date Apr 1, 2015
Publicly Available Date May 26, 2023
Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Print ISSN 0035-8711
Electronic ISSN 1365-2966
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 448
Issue 2
Pages 1847 - 1862
Keywords stars: pre-main-sequence, ISM: individual objects: NGC 346, ISM: structure, Magellanic Clouds
Publisher URL


J Oliveira - Star formation rates from young-star counts and the structure of the ISM across the NGC 346 N66 complex in the SMC.pdf (3.7 Mb)

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