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Patients' and oncologists' views on the treatment and care of advanced ovarian cancer in the U.K.: results from the ADVOCATE study

Jenkins, V; Catt, S; Banerjee, S; Gourley, C; Montes, A; Solis-Trapala, I; Monson, K; Fallowfield, L

Patients' and oncologists' views on the treatment and care of advanced ovarian cancer in the U.K.: results from the ADVOCATE study Thumbnail


V Jenkins

S Catt

S Banerjee

C Gourley

A Montes

K Monson

L Fallowfield


BACKGROUND: Most patients presenting with advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) eventually relapse. Symptom palliation, maintenance of quality of life (QoL) and prolongation of life are primary therapeutic goals. METHODS: Sixty-six U.K. oncologists completed an online survey about AOC management. Two hundred and two patients were interviewed about care, treatment experiences and expectations. RESULTS: Prior to diagnosis, 34% (69 out of 202) of women had > or =3 symptoms associated with AOC. Twenty-one per cent (43 out of 202) thought poor symptom recognition by general practitioners (GPs) delayed diagnosis. Amelioration of side effects experienced was variable, for example, only 54% (68 out of 127) distressed by alopecia had received sufficient information about it. Clinicians were asked 'What minimum gain in progression-free survival (PFS) would make you feel it worthwhile to offer maintenance therapy?'; 48% (24 out of 50) indicated 5-6 months, but 52% (26 out of 50) believed patients would find PFS of 3-4 months acceptable. When patients were presented with hypothetical scenarios, 33% (52 out of 160) would require 1-2 months extra life, 6% (10 out of 160) 3-4 months, 31% (49 out of 160) 5-6 months, and 31% (49 out of 160) > or =7 months. However, 86% (173 out of 202) would accept treatment that improved QoL without prolongation of life. When asked what was most important, 33% (67 out of 201) said QoL, 9% (19 out of 201) length of life and 57% (115 out of 201) said both were equally important. CONCLUSION: Clinicians' and patients' experiences, expectations and priorities about OC management may differ.


Jenkins, V., Catt, S., Banerjee, S., Gourley, C., Montes, A., Solis-Trapala, I., …Fallowfield, L. (2013). Patients' and oncologists' views on the treatment and care of advanced ovarian cancer in the U.K.: results from the ADVOCATE study. British journal of cancer, 2264 - 2271.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 17, 2013
Publication Date Jun 11, 2013
Journal British Journal of Cancer
Print ISSN 1532-1827
Publisher Cancer Research UK
Pages 2264 - 2271
Keywords advanced ovarian cancer, chemotherapy treatments, supportive care, patients’ views, oncologists’ views, maintenance therapy
Publisher URL
PMID 23652312


Patients' and oncologists' views on the treatment and care of advanced ovarian cancer in the U.K.: results from the ADVOCATE study.pdf (377 Kb)

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