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Nanofibrous scaffolds supporting optimal central nervous system regeneration: an evidence-based review

Yang, Ying

Nanofibrous scaffolds supporting optimal central nervous system regeneration: an evidence-based review Thumbnail



Restoration of function following damage to the central nervous system (CNS) is severely restricted by several factors. These include the hindrance of axonal regeneration imposed by glial scars resulting from inflammatory response to damage, and limited axonal outgrowth toward target tissue. Strategies for promoting CNS functional regeneration include the use of nanotechnology. Due to their structural similarity, synthetic nanofibers could play an important role in regeneration of CNS neural tissue toward restoration of function following injury. Two-dimensional nanofibrous scaffolds have been used to provide contact guidance for developing brain and spinal cord neurites, particularly from neurons cultured in vitro. Three-dimensional nanofibrous scaffolds have been used, both in vitro and in vivo, for creating cell adhesion permissive milieu, in addition to contact guidance or structural bridges for axons, to control reconnection in brain and spinal cord injury models. It is postulated that nanofibrous scaffolds made from biodegradable and biocompatible materials can become powerful structural bridges for both guiding the outgrowth of neurites and rebuilding glial circuitry over the “lesion gaps” resulting from injury in the CNS.


Yang, Y. (2015). Nanofibrous scaffolds supporting optimal central nervous system regeneration: an evidence-based review. Journal of Neurorestoratology, 123 - 131.

Acceptance Date Oct 9, 2015
Publication Date Dec 2, 2015
Journal Journal of Neurorestoratology
Publisher Dove Press
Pages 123 - 131
Keywords scaffold; nanofibrous scaffold; CNS; regeneration; alignment
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P Roach - Nanofibrous scaffolds supporting optimal central nervous system regeneration - an evidence based review.pdf (1.3 Mb)

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