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Rapidly varying A-type stars in the SuperWASP archive




The searches for transiting exoplanets have produced a vast amount of time-resolved photometric data of many millions of stars. One of the leading ground-based surveys is the SuperWASP project. We present the initial results of a survey of over 1.5 million A-type stars in the search for high frequency pulsations using SuperWASP photometry. We are able to detect pulsations down to the 0.5 mmag level in the broad-band photometry. This has enabled the discovery of several rapidly oscillating Ap stars and over 200 d Scuti stars with frequencies above 50 d-1, and at least one pulsating sdB star. Such a large number of results allows us to statistically study the frequency overlap between roAp and d Scuti stars and probe to higher frequency regimes with existing data.


Smalley. (2014). Rapidly varying A-type stars in the SuperWASP archive. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 423- 424.

Acceptance Date Feb 18, 2014
Publication Date Feb 18, 2014
Journal Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Print ISSN 1743-9213
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Pages 423- 424
Keywords surveys; asteroseismology; techniques:photometric; stars:chemically peculiar; stars:variables:roAp; stars:variables:scuti
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