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Men in the nursing profession: Masculinities and gendered identities
Nursing as a profession has historically been largely dominated by females, both in terms of the demographical profile and the common perception of nursing being a task for women. A small minority of men do however practice as nurses and as such are anomalous in a female dominated profession. Drawing on profeminist theories of masculinities this study aimed to investigate the experiences of men working as nurses in Ireland, how they relate to masculinities and how they negotiate a gendered identity. Using a qualitative interpretative methodology 16 in-depth interviews were conducted with practicing male nurses. Results reveal tensions and contraindications for men in negotiating gendered identities as nurses with significant evidence of positioning in relation to hegemonic ideals. The fluidity and contingency of masculinities is also revealed, particularly in relation to emotionality and embodiment. This study contributes to the knowledge base of sociological theories of masculinities but also to knowledge about the nursing profession and its gendered aspects.
(2013). Men in the nursing profession: Masculinities and gendered identities
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