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A Comparative Study Of Nationalist Expressions Of The
Algerian Community Under French Domination (1919-1954) And The Black Community In The United States Of America During the 1960's (1960-1970)

A Comparative Study Of Nationalist Expressions Of The
Algerian Community Under French Domination (1919-1954) And The Black Community In The United States Of America During the 1960's (1960-1970) Thumbnail


This thesis examines the nationalist expressions of Algerians under French colonization from 1919 to 1954, and black Americans in the United States of America in the late 1950's and 1960's. The formation of political organizations within both the Algerian and black American
communities was a response to unbearable political, economic and social conditions borne for a long time. This study focuses on the aims of these nationalist organizations, and also the means and ways by which they challenged the political, economic and social domination.
Algerians and black Americans experienced two systems of domination: colonialism and capitalism. These generated racism as an ideology that enforced the power and privilege of French settlers and white Americans. The similarities of the political response of Algerians
and black Americans are the gist of this thesis. Where differences exist these are also analysed.
Political organizations within both communities expressed solutions which reflected different ideological trends. Some advocated a form of assimilation and a desire to be part or closely allied to France or the United States. Others thought that'restructuring the political, economic
and social frameworks and respecting the national and ethnic characteristics would improve the condition and the quality of life of each community. A third political expression believed that separation from the French and American nations as the best outcome for a true emancipation.
The different manifestations of nationalism exposed the inadequacy and injustice of the then prevailing systems and fought for human dignity, better life and equality.


Algerian Community Under French Domination (1919-1954) And The Black Community In The United States Of America During the 1960's (1960-1970)


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