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SynBioHub: A Standards-Enabled Design Repository for Synthetic Biology.

McLaughlin, JA; Ofiteru, ID; Goñi Moreno, A; Zundel, Z; Misirli, G; Zhang, M; Wipat, A; Myers, CJ

SynBioHub: A Standards-Enabled Design Repository for Synthetic Biology. Thumbnail


JA McLaughlin

ID Ofiteru

A Goñi Moreno

Z Zundel

M Zhang

A Wipat

CJ Myers


The SynBioHub repository ( is an open-source software project which facilitates the sharing of information about engineered biological systems. SynBioHub provides computational access for software and data integration, and a graphical user interface that enables users to search for and share designs in a Web browser. By connecting to relevant repositories (e.g. the iGEM repository, JBEI ICE, and other instances of SynBioHub), the software allows users to browse, upload, and download data in various standard formats, regardless of their location or representation. SynBioHub also provides a central reference point for other resources to link to, delivering design information in a standardized format using the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL). The adoption and use of SynBioHub, a community-driven effort, has the potential to overcome the reproducibility challenge across laboratories by helping to address the current lack of information about published designs.


McLaughlin, J., Ofiteru, I., Goñi Moreno, A., Zundel, Z., Misirli, G., Zhang, M., …Myers, C. (2018). SynBioHub: A Standards-Enabled Design Repository for Synthetic Biology. ACS synthetic biology, 682-688.

Acceptance Date Jan 9, 2018
Publication Date Feb 1, 2018
Journal ACS Synthetic Biology
Publisher American Chemical Society
Pages 682-688
Keywords Synthetic Biology Open Language; SBOL; Repository; Web of Registries; Data Standards; Database; Sharing
Publisher URL


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