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Developing classification and regression based machine learning algorithms for bank loan approval and stock market prediction problems (2024)
Mistry, K. A. J. Developing classification and regression based machine learning algorithms for bank loan approval and stock market prediction problems. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Developing machine learning (ML) algorithms to predict unseen data based on the trends of existing data has always been very challenging. Its technology demand to be applied to a wide range of problems is very high and is only expected to rise. Altho... Read More about Developing classification and regression based machine learning algorithms for bank loan approval and stock market prediction problems.

Measuring the Magnetic Polarizability Tensor of Non-Symmetrical Metallic Objects (2023)
Journal Article
Özdeğer, T., Ozdeger, T., Davidson, J. L., Davidson, J., Ledger, P. D., Conniffe, D., …Peyton, A. (2023). Measuring the Magnetic Polarizability Tensor of Non-Symmetrical Metallic Objects. IEEE Sensors Journal, 23(17), 20027-20036.

The Magnetic Polarizability Tensor (MPT) is a representative electromagnetic property of a metallic object, which depends on the size, material, shape, and excitation frequency of the object. The MPT can be used to describe the response of metal dete... Read More about Measuring the Magnetic Polarizability Tensor of Non-Symmetrical Metallic Objects.

libSBOLj3: a graph-based library for design and data exchange in synthetic biology. (2023)
Journal Article
Mısırlı, G. (2023). libSBOLj3: a graph-based library for design and data exchange in synthetic biology. Bioinformatics, 39(8), 3.

The Synthetic Biology Open Language version 3 data standard provides a graph-based approach to exchange information about biological designs. The new data model has major updates and offers several features for software tools. Here, we present libSBO... Read More about libSBOLj3: a graph-based library for design and data exchange in synthetic biology..

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Smart Energy Networks (2023)
Harrold, D. J. B. (2023). Deep Reinforcement Learning for Smart Energy Networks. (Thesis). Keele University

To reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, the world must find intelligent solutions to maximise the utilisation of carbon-free renewable energy sources (RES). Energy storage systems (ESS) can be used to store energy when RES generation exceeds deman... Read More about Deep Reinforcement Learning for Smart Energy Networks.

Dynamic fracture regimes for initially prestressed elastic chains. (2022)
Journal Article
Nieves. (2022). Dynamic fracture regimes for initially prestressed elastic chains. Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 20210395 - ?.

We study the propagation of a bridge crack in an anisotropic multi-scale system involving two discrete elastic chains that are interconnected by links and possess periodically distributed inertia. The bridge crack is represented by the destruction of... Read More about Dynamic fracture regimes for initially prestressed elastic chains..

Neuroevolution of bipedal locomotion: algorithmic, balance penalty and morphological improvements for improved robustness and performance (2022)
Jackson, B. (2022). Neuroevolution of bipedal locomotion: algorithmic, balance penalty and morphological improvements for improved robustness and performance. (Thesis). Keele University

Bipedalism is theorised to have emerged in humans in order to enable endurance running and tool use via the hands. It is one of the most complex styles of locomotion, with agents typically having a high center of mass and two feet very close together... Read More about Neuroevolution of bipedal locomotion: algorithmic, balance penalty and morphological improvements for improved robustness and performance.

User-centred design of bedside clinical guidelines for mobile devices (2022)
Mitchell, J. A. (2022). User-centred design of bedside clinical guidelines for mobile devices. (Thesis). Keele University

Local point of care clinical guidelines exist in numerous formats and cover a variety of clinical information, normally created on a national and local level. They are generally available as basic web pages, PDFs or documents. Despite widespread avai... Read More about User-centred design of bedside clinical guidelines for mobile devices.

A Multi-Dimensional and Multi-Factor Trust Computation Framework for Cloud Services (2022)
Journal Article
Junejo, A. K., Jokhio, I. A., & Jan, T. (2022). A Multi-Dimensional and Multi-Factor Trust Computation Framework for Cloud Services. Electronics, 11(13),

In this paper, we propose a novel trust computation framework (TCF) for cloud services. Trust is computed by taking into consideration multi-dimensional quality of service (QoS) evidence and user feedback. Feedback provides ample evidence regarding t... Read More about A Multi-Dimensional and Multi-Factor Trust Computation Framework for Cloud Services.

Benchmark computations for the polarization tensor characterization of small conducting objects (2022)
Journal Article
Amad, A., Ledger, P. D., Betcke, T., & Praetorius, D. (2022). Benchmark computations for the polarization tensor characterization of small conducting objects. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 111, 94-107.

The characterisation of small low conducting inclusions in an otherwise uniform background from low-frequency electrical field measurements has important applications in medical imaging using electrical impedance tomography as well as in geological i... Read More about Benchmark computations for the polarization tensor characterization of small conducting objects.

Super-forecasting the 'technological singularity' risks from artificial intelligence (2022)
Journal Article
Ani, Radanliev, P., De Roure, D., Maple, C., & Ani, U. (2022). Super-forecasting the 'technological singularity' risks from artificial intelligence. Evolving Systems, 13(5), 747-757.

This article investigates cybersecurity (and risk) in the context of ‘technological singularity’ from artificial intelligence. The investigation constructs multiple risk forecasts that are synthesised in a new framework for counteracting risks from a... Read More about Super-forecasting the 'technological singularity' risks from artificial intelligence.

Elastodynamics of a coated half-space under a sliding contact (2022)
Journal Article
Bratov, V., Kaplunov, J., Lapatsin, S., & Prikazchikov, D. (2022). Elastodynamics of a coated half-space under a sliding contact. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 27(8),

The paper deals with elastic wave propagating in a layer on a half-space induced by a vertical force. The focus is on the effect of a sliding contact along the interface and its comparative study with a perfect one. The effective boundary conditions... Read More about Elastodynamics of a coated half-space under a sliding contact.

Heterogeneous data fusion for the improved non-destructive detection of steel-reinforcement defects using echo state networks (2022)
Journal Article
Wootton, A. J., Day, C., & Haycock, P. W. (2022). Heterogeneous data fusion for the improved non-destructive detection of steel-reinforcement defects using echo state networks. Structural Health Monitoring, 21(6), 2910-2921.

The degradation of roads is an expensive problem: in the United Kingdom alone, £27 billion was spent on road repairs between 2013 and 2019. One potential cost-saver is the early, non-destructive detection of faults. There are many available technique... Read More about Heterogeneous data fusion for the improved non-destructive detection of steel-reinforcement defects using echo state networks.

Attention Mechanism Guided Deep Regression Model for Acne Severity Grading (2022)
Journal Article
Alzahrani, S., Al-Bander, B., & Al-Nuaimy, W. (2022). Attention Mechanism Guided Deep Regression Model for Acne Severity Grading. Computers, 11(3), 31 - 31.

<jats:p>Acne vulgaris is the common form of acne that primarily affects adolescents, characterised by an eruption of inflammatory and/or non-inflammatory skin lesions. Accurate evaluation and severity grading of acne play a significant role in precis... Read More about Attention Mechanism Guided Deep Regression Model for Acne Severity Grading.

Axisymmetric necking versus Treloar–Kearsley instability in a hyperelastic sheet under equibiaxial stretching (2022)
Journal Article
Fu. (2022). Axisymmetric necking versus Treloar–Kearsley instability in a hyperelastic sheet under equibiaxial stretching. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids,

We consider bifurcations from the homogeneous solution of a circular or square hyperelastic sheet that is subjected to equibiaxial stretching under either force- or displacement-controlled edge conditions. We derive the condition for axisymmetric nec... Read More about Axisymmetric necking versus Treloar–Kearsley instability in a hyperelastic sheet under equibiaxial stretching.

Stabilisation of exact coherent structures in two-dimensional turbulence using time-delayed feedback (2022)
Journal Article
Lucas, D., & Yasuda, T. (2022). Stabilisation of exact coherent structures in two-dimensional turbulence using time-delayed feedback. Physical Review Fluids,

Time-delayed feedback control, attributed to Pyragas (1992 Physics Letters 170(6) 421-428), is a method known to stabilise periodic orbits in low dimensional chaotic dynamical systems. A system of the form $\dot{\mathbf{x}}(t)=f(\mathbf{x})$ has an a... Read More about Stabilisation of exact coherent structures in two-dimensional turbulence using time-delayed feedback.

Virtual Parts Repository 2: Model-Driven Design of Genetic Regulatory Circuits (2021)
Journal Article
Yang, B., James, K., Wipat, A., & Misirli, G. (2021). Virtual Parts Repository 2: Model-Driven Design of Genetic Regulatory Circuits. ACS synthetic biology, 3304-3315.

Engineering genetic regulatory circuits is key to the creation of biological applications that are responsive to environmental changes. Computational models can assist in understanding especially large and complex circuits for which manual analysis i... Read More about Virtual Parts Repository 2: Model-Driven Design of Genetic Regulatory Circuits.

A Review of Wearable Multi-wavelength Photoplethysmography (2021)
Journal Article
Ray, D., Collins, T., Woolley, S., & Ponnapalli, P. (2023). A Review of Wearable Multi-wavelength Photoplethysmography. IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 16, 136-151.

Optical pulse detection photoplethysmography (PPG) provides a means of low cost and unobtrusive physiological monitoring that is popular in many wearable devices. However, the accuracy, robustness and generalizability of single-wavelength PPG sensing... Read More about A Review of Wearable Multi-wavelength Photoplethysmography.

Deep Learning Models for Automatic Makeup Detection (2021)
Journal Article
Alzahrani, T., Al-Bander, B., & Al-Nuaimy, W. (2021). Deep Learning Models for Automatic Makeup Detection. AI, 2(4), 497 - 511.

<jats:p>Makeup can disguise facial features, which results in degradation in the performance of many facial-related analysis systems, including face recognition, facial landmark characterisation, aesthetic quantification and automated age estimation... Read More about Deep Learning Models for Automatic Makeup Detection.