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Spectroscopic studies of some haemoglobin derivatives

Gray, K

Spectroscopic studies of some haemoglobin derivatives Thumbnail


K Gray


This thesis describes a study of the magnetic and optical properties of human haemoglobin and certain of its derivatives. The techniques of electron spin resonance spectroscopy and optical spectrophotometry at low temperatures are used.
An introduction to the theory and techniques of electron spin resonance is given and the properties of transition metal ions are discussed. The general properties of haemproteins are described; there is particular reference to optical and magnetic studies.
The preparation of solutions of various haemoglobin derivatives from fresh human red cells is described. Room temperature studies of various derivatives are described; the results of cryogenic optical absorption measurements are reported.
Electron spin resonance studies of haemoglobin hydrate, fluoride and formate solutions are reported in Chapter 4; the theoretical simulation of the spectra is described and values of gx , gy , gz and the linewidth are obtained. Reference is made to aspects of experimentation at 70 GHz microwave frequency. Consideration is given to the incorporation of an anisotropic linewidth. The Hamiltonian parameters 2D and E are obtained from measurements at 35 GHz and JO GHz.
The angular variation in g value in the ab, ac, be planes at 70 GHz is presented in Chapter 5 for deoxyhaemoglobin single crystals treated with an oxidising agent giving ferric ions, and the G tensor is calculated. A negative result is noted for untreated deoxyhaemoglobin at 70 GHz. By obtaining gx and gy from ab plane studies at 35 GHz, the Hamiltonian parameters 2D and E were calculated. The linewidth variation is discussed.
A part of the results presented in Chapter 3 has been published (with E.F. Slade) in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications and a reprint of this paper is bound with this thesis.


Gray, K. (1974). Spectroscopic studies of some haemoglobin derivatives


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