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Outcomes following percutaneous coronary intervention in Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients with previous coronary artery bypass grafts surgery

Shoaib, A; Kinnaird, T; Curzen, N; Ludman, P; Belder, MD; Rashid, M; Kwok, CS; Nolan, J; Zaman, A; Mamas, M


A Shoaib

T Kinnaird

N Curzen

P Ludman

MD Belder

CS Kwok

A Zaman


Shoaib, A., Kinnaird, T., Curzen, N., Ludman, P., Belder, M., Rashid, M., …Mamas, M. Outcomes following percutaneous coronary intervention in Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients with previous coronary artery bypass grafts surgery. Paper presented at European-Society-of-Cardiology Congress 2018 - AUG 25-29, 2018, Munich, GERMANY

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name European-Society-of-Cardiology Congress 2018 - AUG 25-29, 2018
Conference Location Munich, GERMANY
Publisher Oxford University Press