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The position of Iraqi women within the family: with particular reference to married women

Al-Khayyat, Sana Ayoub Sabri


Sana Ayoub Sabri Al-Khayyat


The central theme of this research is an investigation of the extent to which traditional familial attitudes have been instilled in Iraqi women, resulting in deep conflicts amongst those who recognise modern liberalising trends.
By allowing Iraqi women to voice their opinions, this study exposes the deep dicotomy within their society. The Western view that Islam is responsible for perpetuating archaic attitudes towards women is also questioned in some depth, together with the idea of the ideology of honour and shame as a means of social control. It will be shown that, because of their socialization (which implicitly incorporates these ideologies and instils feelings of inferiority into the young female) many women carry these ideals into adulthood and marriage. Marital relations, therefore, are examined in some detail.
This research shows that many women, particularly working women, suffer a considerable degree of stress. Such problems are perceived at an individual rather than a societal level which inhibits development of any collective consciousness and hinders any improvement of their position within the family.
Modern Iraq is still a traditional society in many ways, but enlightened modernisation programmes are bringing about widespread change. Education and work schemes promoted by the Arab Ba'th Socialist Party, are helping to improve the position of women - it is hoped that this research will contribute to this cause.


Al-Khayyat, S. A. S. (1985). The position of Iraqi women within the family: with particular reference to married women

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