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American policy towards Algeria between 1940 and 1962

Farhat, Ferhat


Ferhat Farhat


This thesis analyses American policy towards Algeria between 1940 and 1962 with a view to understanding the
essence of the American approach. To that end I have
resorted on the one hand to a comparison of American and Algerian perceptions of French colonialism and on the other have emphasized the United States position over the question of Algeria's independence in the context of general American foreign policy.
The first chapter sketches both the theories of colonialism and those of nationalism involved in the Algerian issue, as a subject matter for United States foreign policy. The succeed­ing chapters show how in practice these concepts were mutually incompatible. Contemporary American policy towards Algeria was initiated by President F.D. Roosevelt and is covered in
the Second and Third Chapters. During the war years Algeria was confirmed as a French territory but one where it was hoped there would be development of liberal thought and institutions.
Subsequently under both Administrations of President Truman, Algerian nationalism was further alienated. Chapters Four and Five concentrate on the rise of the Cold War and Algerian rejection of Franco-American strategies, culminating in the outbreak of the Algerian war of independence. For President Eisenhower the American legacy in Algeria had become stalemate and, as Chapter Six reveals, this necessitated a change of the American approach especially in the light of Soviet encouragement of decolonization.
Finally Chapter Seven deals with the vain quest of the Algerian G.P.R.A. for United States recognition. It also emphasizes President Kennnedy's contemplation of rapprochement with the Algerians. In conclusion the thesis stipulates the inevitability of diplomatic solutions to international problems and the need for pragmatism as well as open-mindedness in working for the generally stated goals of peace and stability.


Farhat, F. (1986). American policy towards Algeria between 1940 and 1962

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