Veselin B. Kostov
TOI-1338: TESS' First Transiting Circumbinary Planet
Kostov, Veselin B.; Orosz, Jerome A.; Feinstein, Adina D.; Welsh, William F.; Cukier, Wolf; Haghighipour, Nader; Quarles, Billy; Martin, David V.; Montet, Benjamin T.; Torres, Guillermo; Triaud, Amaury H.M.J.; Barclay, Thomas; Boyd, Patricia; Briceno, Cesar; Collier Cameron, Andrew; Correia, Alexandre C.M.; Gilbert, Emily A.; Gill, Samuel; Gillon, Michaël; Haqq-Misra, Jacob; Hellier, Coel; Dressing, Courtney; Fabrycky, Daniel C.; Furesz, Gabor; Jenkins, Jon M.; Kane, Stephen R.; Kopparapu, Ravi; Kunovac Hodžić, Vedad; Latham, David W.; Law, Nicholas; Levine, Alan M.; Li, Gongjie; Lintott, Chris; Lissauer, Jack J.; Mann, Andrew W.; Mazeh, Tsevi; Mardling, Rosemary; Maxted, Pierre F.L.; Eisner, Nora; Pepe, Francesco; Pepper, Joshua; Pollacco, Don; Quinn, Samuel N.; Quintana, Elisa V.; Rowe, Jason F.; Ricker, George; Rose, Mark E.; Seager, S.; Santerne, Alexandre; Ségransan, Damien; Short, Donald R.; Smith, Jeffrey C.; Standing, Matthew R.; Tokovinin, Andrei; Trifonov, Trifon; Turner, Oli...
Jerome A. Orosz
Adina D. Feinstein
William F. Welsh
Wolf Cukier
Nader Haghighipour
Billy Quarles
David V. Martin
Benjamin T. Montet
Guillermo Torres
Amaury H.M.J. Triaud
Thomas Barclay
Patricia Boyd
Cesar Briceno
Andrew Collier Cameron
Alexandre C.M. Correia
Emily A. Gilbert
Samuel Gill
Michaël Gillon
Jacob Haqq-Misra
Coel Hellier
Courtney Dressing
Daniel C. Fabrycky
Gabor Furesz
Jon M. Jenkins
Stephen R. Kane
Ravi Kopparapu
Vedad Kunovac Hodžić
David W. Latham
Nicholas Law
Alan M. Levine
Gongjie Li
Chris Lintott
Jack J. Lissauer
Andrew W. Mann
Tsevi Mazeh
Rosemary Mardling
Pierre Maxted
Nora Eisner
Francesco Pepe
Joshua Pepper
Don Pollacco
Samuel N. Quinn
Elisa V. Quintana
Jason F. Rowe
George Ricker
Mark E. Rose
S. Seager
Alexandre Santerne
Damien Ségransan
Donald R. Short
Jeffrey C. Smith
Matthew R. Standing
Andrei Tokovinin
Trifon Trifonov
Oliver Turner
Joseph D. Twicken
Stéphane Udry
Roland Vanderspek
Joshua N. Winn
Eric T. Wolf
Carl Ziegler
Peter Ansorge
Frank Barnet
Joel Bergeron
Marc Huten
Giuseppe Pappa
Timo van der Straeten
We report the detection of the first circumbinary planet (CBP) found by Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The target, a known eclipsing binary, was observed in sectors 1 through 12 at 30 minute cadence and in sectors 4 through 12 at 2 minute cadence. It consists of two stars with masses of 1.1 M ? and 0.3 M ? on a slightly eccentric (0.16), 14.6 day orbit, producing prominent primary eclipses and shallow secondary eclipses. The planet has a radius of ~6.9 R ? and was observed to make three transits across the primary star of roughly equal depths (~0.2%) but different durations—a common signature of transiting CBPs. Its orbit is nearly circular (e ˜ 0.09) with an orbital period of 95.2 days. The orbital planes of the binary and the planet are aligned to within ~1°. To obtain a complete solution for the system, we combined the TESS photometry with existing ground-based radial-velocity observations in a numerical photometric-dynamical model. The system demonstrates the discovery potential of TESS for CBPs and provides further understanding of the formation and evolution of planets orbiting close binary stars.
Kostov, V. B., Orosz, J. A., Feinstein, A. D., Welsh, W. F., Cukier, W., Haghighipour, N., …van der Straeten, T. (2020). TOI-1338: TESS' First Transiting Circumbinary Planet. Astronomical Journal, 159(6),
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Apr 15, 2020 |
Publication Date | May 7, 2020 |
Journal | Astronomical Journal |
Print ISSN | 0004-6256 |
Publisher | American Astronomical Society |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 159 |
Issue | 6 |
DOI | |
Keywords | exoplanet astronomy, eclipsing binary stars |
Publisher URL | |
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