This paper assesses Keele Law School’s use of Mentimeter during an in-person live session to engage first year Law students in wellbeing awareness, through the innovative design and delivery of an interactive, whole-cohort session called It’s OK to not be OK. The session represented a new approach to using Student Response Systems (SRS) to help support student wellbeing in the transition to Higher Education. It involved the innovative blending of technology – Mentimeter, PowerPoint, and video – with panel-style, tutor-led discussion, to support the integration of wellbeing into the teaching and learning of Law. Design was grounded in education research and in evidence highlighting Law students’ particular difficulties with wellbeing. Students were invited to participate in the session on a voluntary basis and with prior information as to the session’s aims and content. Mentimeter was used to capture students’ anonymous, real-time responses and to facilitate discussion. The session sought to raise first years’ awareness that studying Law can present challenges to their wellbeing; to remove the stigma attached to experiencing these challenges; and to show students how they can look after themselves and each other. Importantly, the blend of Mentimeter and other media with panel-style discussion helped students to see the Law School as a supportive, collaborative community. The session was delivered outside of the Level 4 Law modules in November 2018 (week 6) and again in October 2019 (week 3). It has since informed practice in the Law School through its new Legal Essentials introductory module, which takes a holistic approach to legal education, involving the “whole student”.
(2021). Using Mentimeter to Engage First Year Law Students in Wellbeing Awareness. The Journal of Academic Development and Education, https://doi.org/10.21252/28z6-7966