Melanie Holden
Subgrouping and targeted exercise programmes for knee and hip osteoarthritis (STEER OA) individual participant data meta-analysis. Progress update and selection of potential moderators for analyses
Holden, M.A.; Runhaar, J.; Burke, D.L.; van Der Windt, D.; Riley, R.D.; Dziedzic, K.; Legha, A.; Quicke, J.G.; Healey, E.L.; Bourton, A.L.; Bierma-Zeinstra, S.; Abbott, J.H.; Anwer, S.; Baker, K.; Brown, J.; Bennell, K.L.; Bossen, D.; Chaipinyo, K.; Christensen, R.; Cochrane, T.; de Rooij, M.; Doherty, M.; French, H.P.; Ganesh, S.; Henriksen, M.; Heinonen, A.; Hickson, S.; Hinman, R.S.; Hurley, M.V.; Ingram, C.; Knoop, J.; Kraus, I.; Lun, V.; Lacerda, A.C.; Lund, H.; McCarthy, C.; Messier, S.P.; Østerås, H.; Patrick, D.; Risberg, M.A.; Sahin, N.; Steinhilber, B.; Talbot, L.; Taylor, R.; Teirlinck, C.H.; Tsai, P.-F.; van Middelkoop, M.; Walker, C.; Foster, N.E.
J. Runhaar
D.L. Burke
Danielle Van Der Windt
R.D. Riley
Professor Krysia Dziedzic
A. Legha
J.G. Quicke
Emma Healey
A.L. Bourton
S. Bierma-Zeinstra
J.H. Abbott
S. Anwer
K. Baker
J. Brown
K.L. Bennell
D. Bossen
K. Chaipinyo
R. Christensen
T. Cochrane
M. de Rooij
M. Doherty
H.P. French
S. Ganesh
M. Henriksen
A. Heinonen
S. Hickson
R.S. Hinman
M.V. Hurley
C. Ingram
J. Knoop
I. Kraus
V. Lun
A.C. Lacerda
H. Lund
C. McCarthy
S.P. Messier
H. Østerås
D. Patrick
M.A. Risberg
N. Sahin
B. Steinhilber
L. Talbot
R. Taylor
C.H. Teirlinck
P.-F. Tsai
M. van Middelkoop
C. Walker
N.E. Foster
Holden, M., Runhaar, J., Burke, D., van Der Windt, D., Riley, R., Dziedzic, K., …Foster, N. (2019). Subgrouping and targeted exercise programmes for knee and hip osteoarthritis (STEER OA) individual participant data meta-analysis. Progress update and selection of potential moderators for analyses. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 27(S1), S446.
Journal Article Type | Conference Paper |
Conference Name | 2019 OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis - 2-5 May 2019 |
Conference Location | Sheraton Centre Toronto, Toronto, Canada |
Publication Date | 2019-04 |
Deposit Date | Jun 13, 2023 |
Journal | Osteoarthritis and Cartilage |
Print ISSN | 1063-4584 |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 27 |
Issue | S1 |
Pages | S446 |
DOI | |
Keywords | Orthopedics and Sports Medicine; Biomedical Engineering; Rheumatology |
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