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A prediction algorithm to improve the accuracy of the Gold Standard Framework Surprise Question end-of-life prognostic categories in an acute hospital admission cohort-controlled study. The Proactive Risk-Based and Data-Driven Assessment of Patients at the End of Life (PRADA)

Singh, Baldev; Kumari-Dewat, Nisha; Ryder, Adam; Klaire, Vijay; Bennion, Gemma; Jennens, Hannah; Matthews, Dawn; Rayner, Sophie; Ritzenthaler, Benoit; Shears, Jean; Ahmed, Kamran; Sidhu, Mona; Viswanath, Ananth; Warren, Kate; Parry, Emma


Baldev Singh

Nisha Kumari-Dewat

Adam Ryder

Vijay Klaire

Gemma Bennion

Hannah Jennens

Dawn Matthews

Sophie Rayner

Benoit Ritzenthaler

Jean Shears

Kamran Ahmed

Mona Sidhu

Ananth Viswanath

Kate Warren


Objective To determine the accuracy of a clinical data algorithm allocated end-of-life prognosis amongst hospital inpatients.

Method The model allocated a predicted Gold Standard Framework end-of-life prognosis to all acute medical patients admitted over a 2-year period. Mortality was determined at 1 year.

Results Of 18,838 patients, end-of-life prognosis was unknown in 67.9%. A binary logistic regression model calculated 1-year mortality probability (X2=6650.2, p<0.001, r2 = 0.43). Probability cut off points were used to triage those with unknown prognosis using the GSF Surprise Question “Yes” or “No” survival categories (> or < 1 year respectively), with subsidiary classification of “No” to Green (months), Amber (weeks) or Red (days). This digitally driven prognosis allocation (100% vs baseline 32.1%) yielded cohorts of GSFSQ-Yes 15,264 (81%), GSFSQ-No Green 1,771 (9.4%) and GSFSQ-No Amber or Red 1,803 (9.6%).

There were 5,043 (26.8%) deaths at 1 year. In Cox’s survival, model allocated cohorts were discrete for mortality (GSFSQ-Yes 16.4% v GSFSQ-No 71.0% (p<0.001). For the GSFSQ-No classification, the mortality Odds Ratio was 12.4 (11.4 – 13.5) (p<0.001) vs GSFSQ-Yes (c-statistic of 0.71 (0.70 – 0.73), p<0.001; accuracy, positive and negative predictive values of 81.2%, 83.6%, 83.6% respectively. If this tool had been utilised at the time of admission, the potential to reduce subsequent hospital admissions, death-in-hospital, and bed days was all p<0.001.

Conclusions The defined model successfully allocated end-of-life prognosis in cohorts of hospitalised patients with strong performance metrics for prospective 1 year mortality, yielding the potential to provide anticipatory care and improve outcomes.


Singh, B., Kumari-Dewat, N., Ryder, A., Klaire, V., Bennion, G., Jennens, H., …Parry, E. (2023). A prediction algorithm to improve the accuracy of the Gold Standard Framework Surprise Question end-of-life prognostic categories in an acute hospital admission cohort-controlled study. The Proactive Risk-Based and Data-Driven Assessment of Patients at the End of Life (PRADA). [preprint]

Other Type Other
Online Publication Date Sep 8, 2023
Publication Date 2023-09
Deposit Date Jan 22, 2024
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