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Rising temperatures favour parasite virulence and parallel molecular evolution following a host jump (2025)
Working Paper
E Hector, T., M Kreiner, J., C Forward, J., L Hoang, K., J Stevens, E., Johnson, S., …C King, K. Rising temperatures favour parasite virulence and parallel molecular evolution following a host jump

Climate change is facilitating the poleward emergence of parasites, increasing the risk of jumping into new animal species, including humans. Whether more virulent or transmissible variants will spread during these climate-driven outbreaks is unclear... Read More about Rising temperatures favour parasite virulence and parallel molecular evolution following a host jump.

Growth decline in European beech associated with temperature-driven increase in reproductive allocation (2024)
Working Paper
Hacket-Pain, A., Szymkowiak, J., Journe, V., Barczyk, M., Thomas, P., Lageard, J., …Bogdziewicz, M. Growth decline in European beech associated with temperature-driven increase in reproductive allocation

Climate change is impacting forests in complex ways, with indirect effects arising from interactions between tree growth and reproduction often overlooked. Our 43-year study of European beech (Fagus sylvatica), showed that rising summer temperatures... Read More about Growth decline in European beech associated with temperature-driven increase in reproductive allocation.

Association of air pollution from a landfill site with primary care consultation (2024)
Working Paper
Jordan, K. P., Muller, S., Usman, M., Bailey, J., Burton, C., Lawton, S. A., …van der Windt, D. A. Association of air pollution from a landfill site with primary care consultation

Background Waste landfill sites are associated with gaseous emissions and this air pollution can cause unpleasant smells (“malodour”). This causes concerns about its impact on the health of the local population. This study assessed change in general... Read More about Association of air pollution from a landfill site with primary care consultation.

Protocol for the Work And Vocational advicE (WAVE) randomised controlled trial testing the addition of vocational advice to usual primary care (Clinical Trials: NCT04543097) (2024)
Working Paper
Wynne-Jones, G., Lewis, M., Sowden, G., Madan, I., Walker-Bone, K., Chew-Graham, C., …Foster, N. Protocol for the Work And Vocational advicE (WAVE) randomised controlled trial testing the addition of vocational advice to usual primary care (Clinical Trials: NCT04543097)

Objectives To investigate the effectiveness of adding a brief vocational advice intervention to usual care in reducing the number of days absent from work over a period of 6 months in adults given a fit note by their general practice.

Design Multi... Read More about Protocol for the Work And Vocational advicE (WAVE) randomised controlled trial testing the addition of vocational advice to usual primary care (Clinical Trials: NCT04543097).

Extracellular vesicle bioactivity and potential clinical utility is determined by mesenchymal stromal cell clonal subtype (2024)
Working Paper
Ioannou, S., G Kay, A., P Stone, A., Rand, E., Elberfeld, S., Bolton, W., …Genever, P. Extracellular vesicle bioactivity and potential clinical utility is determined by mesenchymal stromal cell clonal subtype

Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are a promising source of therapeutic extracellular vesicles (EVs), however it is not clear how heterogeneity within a non-clonal MSC population will affect the collective EV pool. Here we used immortalised clonal MSC... Read More about Extracellular vesicle bioactivity and potential clinical utility is determined by mesenchymal stromal cell clonal subtype.

Within-host competition sparks pathogen molecular evolution and perpetual microbiota dysbiosis (2024)
Working Paper
Stevens, E., Li, J., Hector, T., Drew, G., Hoang, K., Greenrod, S., …King, K. Within-host competition sparks pathogen molecular evolution and perpetual microbiota dysbiosis

Pathogens newly invading a host must compete with resident microbiota. This within-host microbial warfare could lead to more severe disease outcomes or constrain the evolution of virulence. Using experimental evolution of a widespread pathogen (Staph... Read More about Within-host competition sparks pathogen molecular evolution and perpetual microbiota dysbiosis.

EWOCS-II: X-ray properties of the Wolf-Rayet stars in the young Galactic super star cluster Westerlund 1 (2024)
Working Paper
Anastasopoulou, K., Guarcello, M., Flaccomio, E., Sciortino, S., Benatti, S., De Becker, M., …Zeidler, P. EWOCS-II: X-ray properties of the Wolf-Rayet stars in the young Galactic super star cluster Westerlund 1

We present the most comprehensive and deepest X-ray study to date of the properties of the richest Wolf-Rayet (WR) population observed in a single stellar cluster, Westerlund 1 (Wd1). This work is based on 36 Chandra observations obtained from the "E... Read More about EWOCS-II: X-ray properties of the Wolf-Rayet stars in the young Galactic super star cluster Westerlund 1.

Using Diverse Local Optima for Setting Kernel Parameters in Support Vector Regression: Forecasting Emerging Market Credit Spreads (2024)
Working Paper
Anderson, G., & Audzeyeva, A. (2024). Using Diverse Local Optima for Setting Kernel Parameters in Support Vector Regression: Forecasting Emerging Market Credit Spreads

We propose a novel approach for determining support vector regression (SVR) kernel parameters in the presence of multiple local optima. In contrast to existing approaches focusing on identifying a single "best" tuning parameter setting, an impractica... Read More about Using Diverse Local Optima for Setting Kernel Parameters in Support Vector Regression: Forecasting Emerging Market Credit Spreads.

Diabetes, metabolic health, and the development of frozen shoulder: a cohort study in UK electronic health records (2024)
Working Paper
Dyer, B., Burton, C., Rathod-Mistry, T., Blagojevic-Bucknall, M., & van der Windt, D. Diabetes, metabolic health, and the development of frozen shoulder: a cohort study in UK electronic health records

Objective Estimate the effect of type 2 diabetes on the development of frozen shoulder and investigate whether the effect is mediated by other metabolic factors. Methods Primary care medical record-based cohort study containing 43,977 patients newly... Read More about Diabetes, metabolic health, and the development of frozen shoulder: a cohort study in UK electronic health records.

First Light And Reionisation Epoch Simulations (FLARES) XVI: Size Evolution of Massive Dusty Galaxies at Cosmic Dawn from UV to IR (2024)
Working Paper
Punyasheel, P., Vijayan, A. P., Greve, T. R., Roper, W. J., Algera, H., Gillman, S., …Wilkins, S. M. First Light And Reionisation Epoch Simulations (FLARES) XVI: Size Evolution of Massive Dusty Galaxies at Cosmic Dawn from UV to IR

We use the First Light And Reionisation Epoch Simulations (FLARES) to study the evolution of the rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) and far-infrared (FIR) sizes for a statistical sample of massive ($\gtrsim10^{9}$M$_{\odot}$) high redshift galaxies (z $\in$... Read More about First Light And Reionisation Epoch Simulations (FLARES) XVI: Size Evolution of Massive Dusty Galaxies at Cosmic Dawn from UV to IR.

High prevalence of multi-drug resistant bacteria in faecal samples from UK passerine birds (2024)
Journal Article
Dunn, J. C., & Clegg, S. R. (2024). High prevalence of multi-drug resistant bacteria in faecal samples from UK passerine birds. bioRxiv,

Wild birds are a near ubiquitous sight in gardens, offering pleasure to many people through supplementary feeding, song, or other interactions. However, they are also potential carriers of many pathogens, including Campylobacter, Salmonella, Enteroco... Read More about High prevalence of multi-drug resistant bacteria in faecal samples from UK passerine birds.

Scanning the skies for migrants: Conservation-focused opportunities for a pan-European automated telemetry network (2024)
Working Paper
Mitchell, L., Brust, V., Karwinkel, T., Åkesson, S., Kishkinev, D., Norevik, G., …Schmaljohann, H. Scanning the skies for migrants: Conservation-focused opportunities for a pan-European automated telemetry network

Accelerated biodiversity loss during the Anthropocene has destabilised functional links within and between ecosystems. Migratory species that cross different ecosystems on their repeated journeys between breeding and non-breeding sites are particular... Read More about Scanning the skies for migrants: Conservation-focused opportunities for a pan-European automated telemetry network.

Working Paper

Background Outbreaks of infectious diseases like Ebola virus disease, Lassa fever, and COVID-19 have severely strained infrastructural systems and social services across West Africa. We investigated the disruptions caused by emerging outbreaks on acc... Read More about DISRUPTIONS IN LIVELIHOODS, HEALTHCARE ACCESS AND HEALTH OUTCOMES IN WEST AFRICA DURING EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASE OUTBREAKS.

Protocol for the development and validation of a Rheumatoid Arthritis PredIction moDel using primary care health records (RAPID) (2024)
Working Paper
Hammond, B., Baranskaya, A., Adderley, N., Zemedikun, D., d’Elia, A., Falahee, M., …Raza, K. Protocol for the development and validation of a Rheumatoid Arthritis PredIction moDel using primary care health records (RAPID)

Background Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic rheumatological condition which causes inflammation of both the joint lining and extra-articular sites. It affects around 1% of the UK population and, if not properly treated, can lead joint damage, d... Read More about Protocol for the development and validation of a Rheumatoid Arthritis PredIction moDel using primary care health records (RAPID).

Cost-utility analysis of risk-based stratified primary care for common musculoskeletal pain presentations: a cluster-randomised, controlled trial (2024)
Working Paper
Kigozi, J., Hill, J. C., Bromley, K., Lewis, M., Wathall, S., Chudyk, A., …Jowett, S. Cost-utility analysis of risk-based stratified primary care for common musculoskeletal pain presentations: a cluster-randomised, controlled trial

Risk-based stratified care (SC) has demonstrated cost-effectiveness versus usual primary care for non-specific low back pain. The STarT MSK trial investigated the cost-effectiveness of risk-based stratified care versus non-stratified usua... Read More about Cost-utility analysis of risk-based stratified primary care for common musculoskeletal pain presentations: a cluster-randomised, controlled trial.

Shifting Geographical Transmission Patterns: Characterizing the 2023 Fatal Dengue Outbreak in Bangladesh (2024)
Working Paper
Nayeem Hasan, M., Rahman, M., Fahim Uddin, M., Ali Akbar Ashrafi, S., Rahman, K. M., Kumar Paul, K., …Haider, N. Shifting Geographical Transmission Patterns: Characterizing the 2023 Fatal Dengue Outbreak in Bangladesh

In 2023, Bangladesh experienced its largest and deadliest outbreak of Dengue virus (DENV), reporting the highest-ever recorded annual cases and deaths. We aimed to characterize the geographical transmission of the DENV in Bangladesh. From 1 Jan – 31... Read More about Shifting Geographical Transmission Patterns: Characterizing the 2023 Fatal Dengue Outbreak in Bangladesh.