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All Outputs (37)

Discovery of Three New Transiting Hot Jupiters: WASP-161 b, WASP-163 b, and WASP-170 b (2019)
Journal Article
Maxted, Smalley, & Hellier. (2019). Discovery of Three New Transiting Hot Jupiters: WASP-161 b, WASP-163 b, and WASP-170 b. Astronomical Journal, 43.

We present the discovery of three new transiting hot Jupiters by the WASP-South project, WASP-161 b, WASP-163 b, and WASP-170 b. Follow-up radial velocities obtained with the Euler/CORALIE spectrograph and transit light curves obtained with the TRAPP... Read More about Discovery of Three New Transiting Hot Jupiters: WASP-161 b, WASP-163 b, and WASP-170 b.

Machine-learning Approaches to Exoplanet Transit Detection and Candidate Validation in Wide-field Ground-based Surveys (2018)
Journal Article
Schanche, N., Collier Cameron, A., Hébrard, G., Nielsen, L., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Almenara, J. M., …Wheatley, P. J. Machine-learning Approaches to Exoplanet Transit Detection and Candidate Validation in Wide-field Ground-based Surveys. Manuscript submitted for publication

Since the start of the Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) program, more than 160 transiting exoplanets have been discovered in the WASP data. In the past, possible transit-like events identified by the WASP pipeline have been vetted by human inspec... Read More about Machine-learning Approaches to Exoplanet Transit Detection and Candidate Validation in Wide-field Ground-based Surveys.

Spectroscopic survey of Kepler stars - II. FIES/NOT observations of A- and F-type stars (2017)
Journal Article
Smalley. (2017). Spectroscopic survey of Kepler stars - II. FIES/NOT observations of A- and F-type stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2870 -2889.

We have analysed high-resolution spectra of 28 A and 22 F stars in the Kepler field, observed using the Fibre-Fed Échelle Spectrograph at the Nordic Optical Telescope. We provide spectral types, atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances for 50 s... Read More about Spectroscopic survey of Kepler stars - II. FIES/NOT observations of A- and F-type stars.

Eclipsing binary stars with a delta Scuti component (2017)
Journal Article
Smalley. (2017). Eclipsing binary stars with a delta Scuti component. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 915 -931.

Eclipsing binaries with a d Sct component are powerful tools to derive the fundamental parameters and probe the internal structure of stars. In this study, spectral analysis of six primary d Sct components in eclipsing binaries has been performed. Va... Read More about Eclipsing binary stars with a delta Scuti component.

The Homogeneous Study of Transiting Systems (HoSTS) – II. The influence of the line list on stellar parameters (2017)
Journal Article
Smalley. (2017). The Homogeneous Study of Transiting Systems (HoSTS) – II. The influence of the line list on stellar parameters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 4850 -4862.

The use of high-resolution, high signal-to-noise stellar spectra is essential in order to determine the most accurate and precise stellar atmospheric parameters via spectroscopy. This is particularly important for determining the fundamental paramete... Read More about The Homogeneous Study of Transiting Systems (HoSTS) – II. The influence of the line list on stellar parameters.

Three new pulsating sdB stars discovered with SuperWASP (2017)
Journal Article
Smalley. (2017). Three new pulsating sdB stars discovered with SuperWASP. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 5020 -5032.

We present an analysis of three new pulsating subdwarf B stars discovered in the Super Wide Angle Search for Planets archive. Two of the stars, J1938+5609 and J0902-0720, are p-mode pulsators; J1938+5609 shows a pulsation at 231.62 d-1 (P = 373 s; 26... Read More about Three new pulsating sdB stars discovered with SuperWASP.

Rossiter-McLaughlin models and their effect on estimates of stellar rotation, illustrated using six WASP systems (2017)
Journal Article
Maxted, Smalley, & Hellier. (2017). Rossiter-McLaughlin models and their effect on estimates of stellar rotation, illustrated using six WASP systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 810 - 839.

We present new measurements of the projected spin-orbit angle ? for six WASP hot Jupiters, four of which are new to the literature (WASP-61, -62, -76, and -78), and two of which are new analyses of previously measured systems using new data (WASP-71,... Read More about Rossiter-McLaughlin models and their effect on estimates of stellar rotation, illustrated using six WASP systems.

Pulsation versus metallicism in Am stars as revealed by LAMOST and WASP (2016)
Journal Article
Smalley, B., Antoci, V., L. Holdsworth, D., W. Kurtz, D., J. Murphy, S., De Cat, P., …J. Wheatley, P. (2017). Pulsation versus metallicism in Am stars as revealed by LAMOST and WASP. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465(3), 2662-2670.

We present the results of a study of a large sample of A and Am stars with spectral types from LAMOST and light curves from WASP. We find that, unlike normal A stars, d Sct pulsations in Am stars are mostly confined to the effective temperature range... Read More about Pulsation versus metallicism in Am stars as revealed by LAMOST and WASP.

Detection of Solar-Like Oscillations, Observational Constraints, and Stellar Models for theta Cyg, the Brightest Star Observed by the Kepler Mission (2016)
Journal Article
Smalley. (2016). Detection of Solar-Like Oscillations, Observational Constraints, and Stellar Models for theta Cyg, the Brightest Star Observed by the Kepler Mission. Astrophysical Journal,

? Cygni is an F3 spectral type magnitude V = 4.48 main-sequence star that was the brightest star observed by the original Kepler spacecraft mission. Short-cadence (58.8 s) photometric data using a custom aperture were first obtained during Quarter 6... Read More about Detection of Solar-Like Oscillations, Observational Constraints, and Stellar Models for theta Cyg, the Brightest Star Observed by the Kepler Mission.

Discovery of WASP-113b and WASP-114b, two inflated hot-Jupiters with contrasting densities (2016)
Journal Article
Hellier, & Smalley. (2016). Discovery of WASP-113b and WASP-114b, two inflated hot-Jupiters with contrasting densities. Astronomy and Astrophysics,

Aims. We present the discovery and characterisation of the exoplanets WASP-113b and WASP-114b by the WASP surveys, SOPHIE and CORALIE.

Methods. The planetary nature of the systems was established by performing follow-up photometric and spectroscop... Read More about Discovery of WASP-113b and WASP-114b, two inflated hot-Jupiters with contrasting densities.

HD 24355 observed by the Kepler K2 mission: A rapidly oscillating Ap star pulsating in a distorted quadrupole mode (2016)
Journal Article
L. Holdsworth, D., W. Kurtz, D., Smalley, B., Saio, H., Handler, G., J. Murphy, S., & Lehmann, H. HD 24355 observed by the Kepler K2 mission: A rapidly oscillating Ap star pulsating in a distorted quadrupole mode. Manuscript submitted for publication

We present an analysis of the first Kepler K2 mission observations of a rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star, HD 24355 ($V=9.65$). The star was discovered in SuperWASP broadband photometry with a frequency of 224.31 d$^{-1}$, (2596.18 $\mu$Hz; $P = 6.4... Read More about HD 24355 observed by the Kepler K2 mission: A rapidly oscillating Ap star pulsating in a distorted quadrupole mode.

WASP-121 b: a hot Jupiter close to tidal disruption transiting an active F star (2016)
Journal Article
Hellier, Smalley, & Maxted. (2016). WASP-121 b: a hot Jupiter close to tidal disruption transiting an active F star. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 4025 - 4043.

We present the discovery by the WASP-South survey of WASP-121 b, a new remarkable short-period transiting hot Jupiter. The planet has a mass of 1.183+0.064-0.062MJup, a radius of 1.865 ± 0.044 RJup, and transits every 1.2749255+0.0000020-0.0000025 da... Read More about WASP-121 b: a hot Jupiter close to tidal disruption transiting an active F star.

SuperWASP discovery and SALT confirmation of a semi-detached eclipsing binary that contains a delta Scuti star (2016)
Journal Article
Smalley. (2016). SuperWASP discovery and SALT confirmation of a semi-detached eclipsing binary that contains a delta Scuti star. Astronomy & Astrophysics,

Aims. We searched the SuperWASP archive for objects that display multiply periodic photometric variations.

Methods. Specifically we sought evidence for eclipsing binary stars that display a further non-harmonically related signal in their power sp... Read More about SuperWASP discovery and SALT confirmation of a semi-detached eclipsing binary that contains a delta Scuti star.

SuperWASP discovery and SALT confirmation of a semi-detached eclipsing binary that contains a d Scuti star (2016)
Journal Article
Smalley. (2016). SuperWASP discovery and SALT confirmation of a semi-detached eclipsing binary that contains a d Scuti star. Astronomy & Astrophysics,

Aims. We searched the SuperWASP archive for objects that display multiply periodic photometric variations.

Methods. Specifically we sought evidence for eclipsing binary stars that display a further non-harmonically related signal in their power sp... Read More about SuperWASP discovery and SALT confirmation of a semi-detached eclipsing binary that contains a d Scuti star.

λ Bootis stars in the SuperWASP survey (2015)
Journal Article
Paunzen, E., Skarka, M., Walczak, P., Holdsworth, D., Smalley, B., West, R., & Janík, J. (2015). λ Bootis stars in the SuperWASP survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453(2), 1241 -1248.

We have analysed around 170 000 individual photometric WASP (Wide Angle Search for Planets) measurements of 15 well-established ? Bootis stars to search for variability. The ? Bootis stars are a small group of late-B to early-F, Pop I, stars that sho... Read More about λ Bootis stars in the SuperWASP survey.

Spectroscopic survey of Kepler stars.(a similar to...) I. HERMES/Mercator observations of A- and F-type stars (2015)
Journal Article
Smalley. (2015). Spectroscopic survey of Kepler stars.(a similar to...) I. HERMES/Mercator observations of A- and F-type stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2764 -2783.

The Kepler space mission provided near-continuous and high-precision photometry of about 207 000 stars, which can be used for asteroseismology. However, for successful seismic modeling it is equally important to have accurate stellar physical paramet... Read More about Spectroscopic survey of Kepler stars.(a similar to...) I. HERMES/Mercator observations of A- and F-type stars.

WASP-80b has a dayside within the T-dwarf range (2015)
Journal Article
Maxted, Smalley, & Hellier. (2015). WASP-80b has a dayside within the T-dwarf range. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2279 -2290.

WASP-80b is a missing link in the study of exoatmospheres. It falls between the warm Neptunes and the hot Jupiters and is amenable for characterization, thanks to its host star's properties. We observed the planet through transit and during occultati... Read More about WASP-80b has a dayside within the T-dwarf range.

WASP-20b and WASP-28b: a hot Saturn and a hot Jupiter in near-aligned orbits around solar-type stars (2015)
Journal Article
Hellier, Smalley, & Maxted. (2015). WASP-20b and WASP-28b: a hot Saturn and a hot Jupiter in near-aligned orbits around solar-type stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics,

We report the discovery of the planets WASP-20b and WASP-28b along with measurements of their sky-projected orbital obliquities. WASP-20b is an inflated, Saturn-mass planet (0.31?MJup; 1.46?RJup) in a 4.9-day, near-aligned (? = 12.7 ± 4.2°) orbit aro... Read More about WASP-20b and WASP-28b: a hot Saturn and a hot Jupiter in near-aligned orbits around solar-type stars.

Spots on Am stars (2015)
Journal Article
Balona, L., Catanzaro, G., Abedigamba, O., Ripepi, V., & Smalley, B. (2015). Spots on Am stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1378 - 1388.

We investigate the light variations of 15 Am stars using four years of high-precision photometry from the Kepler spacecraft and an additional 14 Am stars from the K2 Campaign 0 field. We find that most of the Am stars in the Kepler field have light c... Read More about Spots on Am stars.

The well-aligned orbit of Wasp-84b: evidence for disk migration of a hot Jupiter (2015)
Journal Article
Smalley, Hellier, & Maxted. (2015). The well-aligned orbit of Wasp-84b: evidence for disk migration of a hot Jupiter. Astrophysical Journal Letters,

We report the sky-projected orbital obliquity (spin–orbit angle) of WASP-84 b, a 0.69${{M}_{{\rm Jup}}}$ planet in an 8.52 day orbit around a G9V/K0V star, to be ? = -0.3 ± 1.7°. We obtain a true obliquity of ? = 17.3 ± 7.7° from a measurement of the... Read More about The well-aligned orbit of Wasp-84b: evidence for disk migration of a hot Jupiter.