Sonic Spectres: Word Ghosts in Madeleine Thien's Dogs at the Perimeter and the digital map project, 'Fictional Montreal/Montreal fictif'
Journal Article
Morgan. (2018). Sonic Spectres: Word Ghosts in Madeleine Thien's Dogs at the Perimeter and the digital map project, 'Fictional Montreal/Montreal fictif'. The London Journal of Canadian Studies, 40-57.
This article analyses various ghosts and their connections with the unsaid and said in relation to Madeleine Thien’s Dogs at the Perimeter (2011) and the digital map project, ‘Fictional Montreal/Montréal fictif’ (Morgan and Lichti, 2016-17). Drawing... Read More about Sonic Spectres: Word Ghosts in Madeleine Thien's Dogs at the Perimeter and the digital map project, 'Fictional Montreal/Montreal fictif'.